Juneteenthって何の日? [英語]

アメリカ下院がアメリカにおける奴隷制の終焉を祝うとされる6月19日を連邦祝日とする法案を6月16日(水曜日)通過させたというニュースをCBSが報じていいます。 あとはバイデン大統領が署名すれは、12番目の連邦祝日となるとのことです。

House passes bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday


JuneteenthについてはWikipedia では次のように説明しています。

(英語: Juneteenth)(「6月」(June)と「19日」(nineteenth)の混成語であり[1]、「自由の日」(Freedom Day)[2]、「歓喜の日」(Jubilee Day)[3]、「解放の日」(Liberation Day)[4]としても知られる)は、アメリカ合衆国で奴隷身分であった人々の解放を祝う祭日である。テキサス州に端を発し、現在はアメリカ全土で6月19日に祝われるが、公的な認知は様々に異なる。特に、北部合衆国(英語版)軍のゴードン・グレンジャー将軍がテキサス州ガルヴェストンにおいて1865年6月19日に、それまでにテキサス州で奴隷身分とされてきた全ての人々は自由であるとする連邦政府からの命令を読み上げたことを記念するものである[5]。
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日本人の花見好きとイタリア人のハグ [英語]


小池東京都知事が日本人の花見好きについて述べたことについて海外メディアが報じています。 昨年の記事です。


Scrapping Japan cherry blossom ‘like taking hugs away from Italians’: Tokyo gov
AFP 2020/3/13

Preventing Japanese from gathering to enjoy cherry blossom season because of coronavirus would be like "taking hugs away from Italians," the governor of Tokyo said on Thursday.

Yuriko Koike however urged people to refrain from traditional "hanami" parties where friends and family gather under cherry blossom trees for copious quantities of food and drink.

After a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Koike said: "We discussed what to do with hanami. It is open-air. The metropolitan government wants people to admire the flowers."

"I think taking hanami away from the Japanese is like taking away hugs from Italians," she said.

"But we would like to ask people to refrain from, for example, spreading blue tarps and enjoying fun parties at Ueno Park like every year," she added, referring to a large central Tokyo park popular with revelers.

Meteorologists expect cherry blossoms to begin blooming around March 17 in Tokyo.
Koike has previously said that indoor events hosted by her organization or involving food would be postponed or cancelled between February 22 and March 15.

The Tokyo marathon earlier this month was restricted to elite athletes only but Koike and other top officials have insisted that preparations for the Olympic Games -- scheduled to open on July 24 -- are going ahead as planned.

Italy is the worst-hit country in Europe and the country has been placed on effective lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus that has killed more than 800 people in just over two weeks.

Italians have been told to keep at least a meter from each other and handshakes -- and hugs -- are frowned upon. (AFP 2020/3/13)












take~away from… : …から~を取り上げる                    refrain from ~ : ~を自粛する
copious quantities of ~ : 大量の                          open-air : 野外での
admire the flowers : 花を愛でる
refrain from ~ing : ~を控える
spread blue tarps : ブルーシートを広げる
reveler : お祭り騒ぎ[どんちゃん騒ぎ・酒盛り]をする人
meteorologist : 気象予報士
indoor events : 屋内イベント
be restricted to ~ : ~に制限される
go ahead as planned : 予定通り行われる
the worst-hit : (コロナウイルスの)影響が最も深刻な
be placed on lockdown : 封鎖状態(ロックダウン)となっている
keep a meter from each other : お互い1メートルの距離を置く
be frowned upon : 冷たい目で見られる

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桜を見る会を公私混同? [英語]













Japan's PM cancels cherry blossom party after outcry over florid spending

The Guardian 2019/11/14

Taxpayer-funded festivities are meant to honour praiseworthy citizens but critics say they have turned into an exercise in political patronage

In a bid to contain a blossoming scandal over lavish flower-viewing parties, Japan’s prime minister has cancelled next year’s annual taxpayer-funded festivity.

Shinzo Abe’s move to shut down the 2020 party comes after criticism that the cost of the cherry blossom event had spiralled and has been misused for political purposes.

Hosted by prime ministers almost every year since 1952, the springtime social event was originally meant to honour sportspeople, celebrities and other citizens who have excelled in their fields, but critics say it is increasingly used to reward the government’s political supporters. Voters from Abe’s constituency in Yamaguchi prefecture have even been offered bundled travel packages to go to Tokyo and enjoy river cruises on the weekend of the festivities, the Asahi Shimbun reported.

“Mixing personal affairs and public activities is something that should never be done by a prime minister who has political authority,” the Mainichi newspaper said in an editorial, adding: “There is no denying the fact that the ruling bloc as a whole has become numb to intertwining public and private activities.”

More than 18,000 people attended the festivities at Tokyo’s Shinjuku Gyoen national garden in April this year, about 4,500 more than five years ago. The planned budget of 57 million yen (£408,000) for the 2020 event represented a doubling of the cost since 2014, local media reported. Abe cancelled it after opposition parties announced a taskforce to investigate whether public funds were used for private purposes in a potential violation of electoral law.

The government said it would review the event’s scale and invitation criteria but insisted the higher cost was due to counter-terrorism measures.

The issue arose a few weeks after two ministers resigned from Abe’s cabinet amid accusations they gave constituents gifts such as melons and potatoes in possible breach of electoral law. Abe, who has withstood more damaging scandals in the past, is due next week to assume the record of longest-serving Japanese prime minister.

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痴漢撃退グッズ [英語]








女性専用車両の運行や、天井にカメラを取り付けて痴漢の現場を撮影するなどのほかに、最近相次いで痴漢撃退グッズが出回るようになってきた。。キュカを立ち上げたNari Woo 氏とRemon Katamaya氏は痴漢レーダーを開発したが、このアプリはユーザーが痴漢の被害を匿名で報告出来て、どこでよく見られるかがわかるようになっている。今年の8月に発売して以来、国内の痴漢被害件数は981件が報告されている。東京の警視庁も防犯アプリ、Digi Policeを開発した。画面をタッチするとアプリが起動して、「止めてください。」と大声を上げる。そして画面に「痴漢です。助けてください。」と表示される。個人向けの印鑑を販売しているシヤチハタは痴漢の被害者が目に見えないインクで加害者にマークを付けることが出来、特殊ライドを当てるとマークが浮かび上がるスタンプを開発した。1個2,500円で500個限定のテスト販売を始めたところ、30分程度で完売した。






警視庁が開発した防犯アプリ、Digi Police

警視庁が開発した防犯アプリ、Digi Police


hand shachihata.jpg


Pervert alert
Japanese commuters try new ways to deter gropers
Victims are fighting back with apps, badges and invisible ink

The Economist 2019/10/31

THROUGHOUT HER 20s, Yayoi Matsunaga was groped, almost daily, on packed rush-hour trains going to and from work. Three decades later, she discovered that her friend’s daughter was being molested on her commute to high school. The teenager, after fruitless talks with the police and railway companies, decided to hang a sign from her bag that read: “Groping is a crime. I will not cry myself to sleep.” The groping stopped immediately. Inspired, Ms Matsunaga launched a crowdfunding campaign in 2015 to create badges with the same message. They proved as effective as the sign: nearly 95% of users stopped experiencing groping on public transport, according to a survey.

Recent years have seen a flurry of innovations in the fight against groping—chikan in Japanese—in addition to the many train services that offer carriages which only women can use, or have installed ceiling cameras in the hope of catching molesters on film. Nari Woo and Remon Katayama of QCCCA, a startup, have launched “Chikan Radar”, an app that enables users to report groping and thus see where it is common. Since its launch in August, 981 cases have been reported across Japan. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police have also created an app, “Digi Police”, that, when activated, screams “Stop it!” and produces a full-screen message that says: “There is a molester. Please help.” Shachihata, a company that sells personal seals, has developed a stamp that allows victims to mark their attackers with invisible ink, which can be detected under ultraviolet light. A trial run of 500 anti-groping stamps, priced at ¥2,500 ($23), sold out within 30 minutes.

There were 2,943 reported cases of groping in Japan in 2017, mostly in Tokyo. The true number of victims is undoubtedly far higher. Surveys suggest that half or more of female commuters have experienced it, although only 10% of victims report the crime to police. Some hold back out of fear and embarrassment; others because they do not want to be late for school or work. “We are socialised to think that groping is not a big deal,” says Ms Woo.

Groping has long been trivialised as a nuisance rather than a form of sexual assault, says Masako Makino of Ryukoku University. Offenders face up to six months in prison or fines of up to ¥500,000. (The potential sentence rises to ten years if violence is involved.)

It does not help that the media tend to focus on stories about men who have been falsely accused of groping. A book and film about a man unjustly accused of molesting a schoolgirl became a hit in 2007. Insurance firms provide policies that defray the cost to commuters of fighting accusations of groping. But Ms Matsunaga, who now runs an organisation called the Groping Prevention Activities Centre, remains hopeful: “I believe that we will be able to eliminate groping.”

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100歳以上のスーパー高齢者たちー② [英語]



▲ 敬老の日のイベントで運動をする高齢者たち

The Guardian 2018/9/14
















Japanese centenarian population edges towards 70,000
Number of people aged 100 or older reaches record high, with women making up 88% of total

People exercise during an event marking Respect for the Aged Day in Tokyo, Japan. Photograph: Franck Robichon/EPA

The Guardian 2018/9/14

The number of Japanese people aged 100 or older has risen to a record high of almost 70,000 over the past year – a cause both for celebration and concern over the social and economic challenges posed by the country’s rapidly ageing society.

Japan’s centenarian population was 69,785 as of September, with women making up 88% of the total, according to welfare ministry estimates reported by Kyodo News.

The number is up by more than 2,000 from last year, and marks the 48th annual increase in a row. Japan had just 153 centenarians when records began in 1963, and as recently as 1998 the number stood at just 10,000. It surpassed 30,000 in 2007, rising to almost 68,000 last year.

The data was released before Respect for the Aged Day on Monday, a public holiday when new centenarians – including the former prime minister, Yasuhiro Nakasone – will receive a commemorative sake cup and a letter of congratulations from the current prime minister, Shinzō Abe.

The dramatic rise in the number of people making it to their 100th birthday forced the government to reduce the diameter of the gift – a sakazuki – in 2009. Two years ago, the sterling silver cup was replaced by a cheaper silver-plated version to lessen the strain on government coffers.

The cost of honouring Japan’s super-elderly will continue to rise, however. The number of centenarians will exceed 100,000 in 2023 and reach 170,000 five years later, according to estimates by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research.

Japanese women have the longest life expectancy, at 87.2 years, while men rank just below Switzerland and Australia at 81.01 years, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal last month.

Kane Tanaka, who is among the candidates seeking official recognition as the world’s oldest woman, was born on 2 January 1903 – the year the Wright brothers flew the first powered aircraft and Maurice Garin won the first Tour de France.

Tanaka, who lives in a nursing home in the south-western city of Fukuoka, enjoys playing board games and solving maths problems, Kyodo said, and has a taste for sweet bean buns and milky coffee.

Her compatriot Masazo Nonaka was recognised as the world’s oldest living man in April after the death three months earlier of Spain’s Francisco Nuñez Olivera. Nonaka, who lives in an inn he once ran in Hokkaido, northern Japan, was born on 25 July 1905, the year the Russo-Japanese war ended and Albert Einstein published his theory of special relativity.

Nonaka attributes his longevity to bathing in hot springs and eating sweets, but his daughter puts it down to his stress-free life, according to Guinness World Records.

Experts have attributed the steady rise in the centenarian population to regular medical examinations, universal healthcare and, among people over a certain age, a preference for Japan’s traditional low-fat diet.

But Japan’s super-ageing society is expected to put even greater strain on health and welfare services as the country’s working population continues to shrink as a result of the low birth rate.

Abe, who described Japan’s demographics as a national crisis during last year’s general election, has vowed to reform social security to allow workers aged 65 or older – who account for one in four of the country’s 127 million people – to stay in employment beyond the retirement age.

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100歳以上のスーパー高齢者たちー① [英語]



日本の100歳以上の高齢者が過去最多の69,785人となり、 90%近くが女性で占められている

Japan Today 2018/9/15











田中さんは数学の問題を解いたり、習字をしたりすることや、あんこの詰まった大福、チョコレート、カフェオレなどが大好きだ。田中さんの大好きな言葉はー「みんなあなたのおかげです。」 田中さんはいつも周りにいる人たちに感謝の気持ちを伝えている。





Centenarians in Japan hit record 69,785; nearly 90% of them women

Elderly and middle-aged people exercise with wooden dumbbells during a health promotion event at a temple in Tokyo's Sugamo district. Photo: REUTERS file

Japan Today 2018/9/15

Japan's centenarian population hit a record-high 69,785 as of September, with women accounting for 88.1 percent of the total, on the back of medical advances and greater health consciousness, the welfare ministry said Friday.

The figure rose 2,014 from the previous year for the 48th consecutive yearly increase, and represented a nearly a seven-fold jump from two decades ago. "We will continue to make efforts so that (the elderly) can stay healthy for a longer period of time," said an official of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.

The tally is an estimate for Saturday, two days before this year's Respect-for-the Aged Day holiday, based on resident registry data.

The number of male centenarians stood at 8,331, up 139 from a year earlier, while females came to 61,454, up 1,875. In the year through March next year, up to 32,241 people could reach 100, up 144 from the previous year. Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, who turned 100 in May, is one of them.

Looking forward, the centenarian population is projected to rise further, exceeding 100,000 in five years and 170,000 in a decade, according to estimates by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. Life expectancy in Japan was projected at 87.26 years for women and 81.09 years for men in 2017.

Kane Tanaka, 115, from the city of Fukuoka in southwestern Japan, is the country's oldest living female. The oldest man is Masazo Nonaka, a 113-year-old resident of Ashoro in northern Japan's Hokkaido. He was recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest living man in April.

Tanaka was born on Jan. 2, 1903, the year the Wright brothers flew the world's first powered airplane, as the seventh child of nine siblings. She married into a family of rice dealers.

She now lives in a nursing home in Fukuoka, where she is adored as a "mother" of the other residents, and aims to become the world's oldest person.

Her daily routine includes playing board games after breakfast. The competitive Tanaka hates to lose and continues the game until she wins.

She also loves solving math problems, calligraphy, steamed buns filled with sweet bean jam, chocolate and cafe au lait. With her favorite phrase, "It is all thanks to you all," she always expresses her appreciation to people around her.

Nonaka, who was born on July 25, 1905, usually watches TV on his bed and indulges in sweets after meals, according to his family. Nonaka's daughter-in-law, Tokuko, 78, said, "He does things at his own pace. His personality might have been the key to living long."

Although Nonaka has a hearing problem due to his age, when his family asks him whether he is fine, he responds by giving the OK sign. He lives in a more than 100-year-old hot spring inn that he used to run.

The number of centenarians in Japan stood at 153 in 1963, when data were first collected. The figure topped the 10,000 mark in 1998 and the 50,000 line in 2012.

According to the latest tally, the largest number of centenarians live in Tokyo at 5,973, followed by Kanagawa and Osaka prefectures. The ratio of centenarians in Japan's overall population is 55.08 per 100,000.

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ネット中毒の若者たち [英語]




Kyodo 2018/9/2







その調査結果から、中学男子の10,6%, 女子の14,3%, 高校男子の13,2%, 女子の18,9%がインターネットを「病的使用」していることがわかった。








930,000 Japanese teens addicted to internet: survey
Kyodo 2018/9/2

Japanese teens are increasingly becoming addicted to the internet, with an estimated 930,000 junior high and high school students overusing its services, according to a health ministry team's report.

The figure doubled from the previous survey released in 2013 and showed more female students were dependent than males. The team said the prevalence of smartphone games and social networking services is partly to blame for the surging trend.

Addiction to the internet causes problems in daily lives due to heavy use of the internet. Those dependent are feared to become reclusive or be violent toward family members and possibly suffer brain problems and illnesses such as depression.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry survey conducted between December and February targeted students at 103 junior high and high schools in Japan, and some 64,000 students responded.

It showed 10.6 percent of junior high school boys and 14.3 percent of junior high school girls were using the internet in a morbid manner. Among high school students, 13.2 percent of boys and 18.9 percent of girls did so.

Students were deemed to fall into that category if their situation applies to five or more conditions out of eight depicting traits of those addicted, such as "You go into a sulk if you are going to stop using the internet."

Based on the latest study, the number of those addicted is estimated to be at least 930,000 nationwide, up from 510,000 in the 2013 survey.

Overplaying of online games has become a global issue, prompting the World Health Organization to add gaming disorder to its list of medical health conditions in June.

Last year, a 22-year-old man in China's Zhejiang Province was reportedly rushed to hospital after playing online games for four days without eating or drinking and suffering kidney malfunction.

The Chinese government said Thursday it plans to control total volume of online games to prevent young people from becoming near-sighted.

In South Korea, a man in his 20s who frequented an internet cafe starved his 2-year-old son left behind at home in 2014, while another man in his 20s died after playing games online for 86 hours virtually without sleep in 2002.

Its government is also taking steps to fight the problem by introducing treatment programs.

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医学部入試で女子学生に不利な得点操作が行われる [英語]

Japan Today 2018/8/2


東京医科大学が一般入試で女子受験者の得点を減点して女子合格者を全体の3割前後に抑えていたことが 2日、関係者への取材で分かった。











最終の2次試験に合格したのは、男性では141人、女性では30人で、全体の合格率で見ると、男性は8.8%, 女性は2,9%であった。




Tokyo Medical Univ discriminated against female applicants: sources
Japan Today 2018/8/2

Tokyo Medical University deducted entrance exam points from all female applicants to keep the ratio of women studying at the university at around 30 percent, sources familiar with the matter said Thursday.

The practice likely began around 2010 and was apparently aimed at avoiding a shortage of doctors at affiliated hospitals. The medical college believed female doctors often resign or take long leave after getting married or giving birth, leading to the shortfall, according to the sources.

The university deducted 10 to 20 percent of points scored by female applicants, the sources said.

The revelation comes in the wake of a bribery scandal involving the university's top executives and a senior education ministry official.

In July, Masahiko Usui, 77, and Mamoru Suzuki, 69, resigned as the chairman and president of the university, respectively, following allegations that they bribed a bureaucrat, Futoshi Sano, 59, in the form of guaranteeing his son's enrollment in exchange for a government subsidy. They have since been indicted.

The entrance exam bias came to light during an internal probe by the university's lawyers following the bribery scandal.

An education ministry official in charge of entrance exams said the government has asked higher-education institutions to detail how they select students in their guidance to applicants.

"If the university did not disclose the process and have been discriminating against applicants based on gender, that would be a problem," said the official.

Tokyo Medical University's entrance process consists of two stages. The first sees applicants take a multiple-choice exam before those who progress undergo another assessment in which they write an essay and sit for interviews.

The university deducted the female applicants' points after the first stage to reduce the number advancing, and no explanation of this process was given to the applicants, according to the sources.

Of the 1,596 men and 1,018 women who applied to the university in the 2018 academic year starting in April, 19 percent of the male applicants, or 303, passed the first stage, in contrast to 14.5 percent of female applicants, or 148.

A total of 141 men and 30 women passed the second stage, bringing the overall pass rates by gender to 8.8 percent and 2.9 percent, respectively.

The education ministry asked the university on July 25 to report on its applicant selection process and whether it has adhered to it.

In the wake of the latest revelation, the official said the ministry intends to ask the university, when it reports on its past malpractices, to explain its treatment of female applicants.

[コピーライト] KYODO

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自殺の場面をネットで配信? [英語]

Japan Today 2018/7/31






Couple films own suicide jumping in front of train in Sapporo, streams it online
Japan Today 2018/7/31

A young couple who committed suicide by jumping in front of an express train in Sapporo on Saturday night is believed to have filmed their death and streamed it live online, police said Monday.

According to police, the two — a man and a woman, both around the age of 20 — jumped in front of an express train at Naebo Station on the JR Hakodate line at 11:15 p.m. on Saturday. The train driver saw them jumping from the platform and applied the emergency brake but couldn't stop in time, Sankei Shimbun reported.

A smartphone with an attached video camera to it, positioned strategically to capture the two, was picked up from the platform, police said. An acquaintance of the two contacted police after the couple’s death, telling them that he “saw the whole thing online.” Police believe that the two were live streaming their own suicide, granting access to the video only to a limited audience.

The two were residents of Tokyo, police said, but there is no information on why they had traveled to Hokkaido to end their lives.

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子供を産まない女性たちは身勝手だと批判 [英語]


Kyodo 2018/6/27













Not having children is selfish, says LDP Secretary-General Nikai
Kyodo 2018/6/27

A leading Liberal Democratic Party official on Tuesday criticized people opting not to have children as being "selfish," in the latest remark from a politician of the ruling party urging people to have babies.

"During and after the war when (Japanese people) were living on the edge of starvation, nobody said it's better not to have children because it would be too much trouble," LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai said, adding, "These days, some people have a selfish idea that it is better not to give birth to children."

"In order for everyone (in Japan) to be happy, we should have many children and develop our country," the 79-year-old House of Representatives member also said in a speech in Tokyo.

The comments, following controversial remarks regarding childbearing by fellow party members, are likely to draw criticism that politicians are out of sync with realities in Japan, where working parents struggle to place their children in daycare.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government has sought to promote women's empowerment and increase the number of women in the workplace as a key pillar of his government's growth strategy amid a rapidly graying population and labor shortage.

In May, Kanji Kato, a third-term LDP lower house member, stirred controversy by revealing he tells newlywed couples when he attends wedding receptions that they "must raise at least three children."

Later in the month, Koichi Hagiuda, executive acting secretary-general of the LDP, who is known as a close aide to Abe, said raising infants and toddlers is a job for mothers and that fathers taking the primary role is an "unwelcome idea."

The LDP members have been criticized as lacking in understanding of the difficulties faced by families with small children in Japan, including finding childcare facilities.

A recent survey conducted by a major Japanese think tank showed around 348,000 children nationwide were estimated to have failed to be enrolled in such facilities despite their parents' wishes.

The Nomura Research Institute pointed out that an additional 599,000 children must be accepted at daycare facilities -- nearly double the capacity for 320,000 the government plans to achieve by the end of fiscal 2020 -- if the government hopes to reach its goal of raising the employment rate of women aged between 25 and 44 to 80 percent by the end of fiscal 2022 from 66 percent in 2009.

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