カルロス・ゴーンの逮捕は日本経済の汚点? [社会]









▲ 記者会見中の日産自動車のカルロス・ゴーン前会長―2016年、東京

ウォールストリート・ジャーナル(The Wall Street Journal) 社説 2018/11/27
By Jack Ewing


これは共産主義の中国での出来事なのか? いや、資本主義の日本だ。日産モーターの最高経営責任者のカルロス・ゴーン氏は日本で奇妙な異端審問に耐えている。メディアが相次いで報じているカルロス・ゴーン逮捕容疑についてはあいまいなところがある。しかし、今回の逮捕には、日本の法の適正手続き関係者やコーポレート・ガバナンス(企業統治)関係者は皆、困惑の色を隠せないだろう。











日本には日本特有の島国的な企業文化があり、ゴーン氏はこうした竹のカーテン(bamboo curtain)を打ち破ることが出来たまれにみる外国人経営者であった。安倍晋三首相は企業の会計不正問題発生以来、起業統治の改革を推進してきたが、日本のナショナリズム(愛国心)をもまた推進してきた。今回のゴーン氏の逮捕容疑についてもっと情報公開がなされなけれは、そして同容疑者に弁明する機会が与えられなければ、日産による不意打ちが日本経済の汚点となるだろう。

ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル (The Wall Street Journal)



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


The Ghosn Inquisition
The troubling arrest and firing of Nissan’s long-time executive.

Nissan Motor's chairman Carlos Ghosn speaks during a news conference in Tokyo in 2016. PHOTO: KIMIMASA MAYAMA/EPA-EFE/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK

The Wall Street Journal editorial 2018/11/27

A CEO once hailed as a business savior is arrested at the airport, held in detention for days without being charged, interrogated by prosecutors without a lawyer present, and fired from his post amid media leaks claiming he’s guilty of financial malfeasance.

Communist China? No, capitalist Japan, where former Nissan Motors CEO Carlos Ghosn is enduring a bizarre inquisition. The publicly available facts are murky, but the episode ought to trouble anyone concerned with due process and corporate governance in Japan.

Not too many years ago Mr. Ghosn was the toast of Tokyo for saving Nissan from what could have been bankruptcy. Yet now he sits in police detention for an indefinite period, unable to contact his family or defend his reputation. He was arrested upon arrival on a company jet unaware of his looming fate. He has been able to talk only a couple of times with his Japanese lawyer and to diplomats from Lebanon and France.

Japanese law allows detention of a suspect for 48 hours followed by a 10-day period and then 10 more days without charges being filed. Police can then re-arrest the person under suspicion of a new offense. But such treatment is more appropriate for a yakuza mobster than an international CEO with no previous record of fraud or self-dealing. Certainly that isn’t how Japanese prosecutors handled the malefactors at Toshiba or Olympus, two firms marred by accounting scandals.

The accusations reported in the press are also odd in that Nissan should long have been aware of them. News reports say Mr. Ghosn failed to report some $44 million in deferred compensation over five years. But Nissan would have had an obligation to report deferred compensation in its public financial disclosures. Where were the internal and external auditors, and the CFO?

Nissan claims that another former Nissan executive, American Greg Kelly, was the mastermind of the compensation plan. Mr. Kelly is also under arrest and incommunicado. But if he and Mr. Ghosn could pull this off without Nissan noticing, the company would seem to have bigger problems with its internal controls than an undisclosed deferred compensation arrangement.

Another reported accusation, from Nissan though not from prosecutors, is that Mr. Ghosn used corporate money to buy residences he used in Rio de Janeiro and Beirut. But surely Nissan knows if these are corporate or personal residences. A source close to Mr. Ghosn’s family says he doesn’t own the properties.

Perhaps evidence will emerge that supports these charges, but the details of the arrest and context of the accusations are reasons to be skeptical. Last week Nissan summarily dismissed Mr. Ghosn as chairman. Its alliance partner, Mitsubishi Motors , fired him as chairman on Monday, also without Mr. Ghosn’s presence.

Nissan’s current CEO, Hiroto Saikawa, was once an ally of Mr. Ghosn. But now he is portraying Mr. Ghosn as too powerful and claiming he received too much credit for turning around Nissan in the 2000s. He has also publicly criticized Mr. Ghosn in harsh personal terms since the arrest.

If you’re trying to discredit a board chairman who is still admired by much of the Japanese public for his Nissan rescue, there’s no better way than making allegations that lead to his arrest and enforced silence. Oh, and the Japanese media were tipped off in advance of the arrest and were on the runway apron at Haneda airport.

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to look at these events and wonder if they are part of a larger effort to end Mr. Ghosn’s plan to merge Nissan with Renault, the French car maker where Mr. Ghosn remains CEO. Renault rode to Nissan’s rescue, and the two companies still share cross-ownership.

But Nissan has grown more profitable than Renault, which is 15% owned by the French government. Mr. Saikawa clearly has chafed under the French company’s involvement, and the arrest may now poison the relationship beyond repair.

Japan has always had an insular corporate culture, and Mr. Ghosn was a rare foreign executive to break that bamboo curtain. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has promoted reforms in corporate governance since the accounting scandals, but he has also promoted more Japanese nationalism. Without more transparency, an open account of the allegations, and an opportunity for Messrs. Ghosn and Kelly to defend themselves, the Nissan ambush will stand as a black mark on Japanese business.

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