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京都大学入試カンニングー携帯電話を巧みに操作 [入試カンニング]







今回逮捕された受験生は去年受験に失敗し、地元の高校を卒業してから1年間予備校に通い、受験勉強をしていたとのことですが、今回取り上げるThe Washington Post紙の記事の中でこの日本の浪人生の厳しい勉強ぶりについて触れています。

Japan rattled by college entrance exam cheat case

TOKYO -- Japanese police arrested a teenager accused of cheating on his university entrance examination by consulting online forums with his mobile phone, prompting outrage Friday in this gadget-loving country that prizes hard work and fairness.

The arrest of a 19-year-old applicant to prestigious Kyoto University dominated the major newspapers and TV news shows. Japanese media say he could become the first person to be prosecuted in the country for cheating.

The case raised questions over whether the country's top universities - the gateway to top jobs in Japan's corporate culture - have adapted to the Internet's new opportunities for cheating.

"It's not a mere cheating case," an editorial in the nationwide Mainichi newspaper said. "The impact of the wrongful use of the Internet, capable of massively spreading information instantly, is huge."

Police said they arrested the student Thursday on suspicion that he obstructed business through fraud. If convicted, he could face up to three years in prison or a fine of 500,000 yen ($6,000), though media reports have indicated that he will likely not be charged.

Even if convicted, he would likely be able to reapply to universities, since most Japanese schools don't check applicants' criminal records. His name has been withheld because he is a minor under Japanese law.

The suspect admitted to wrongdoing, and the case will be sent to prosecutors Saturday, according to a police official who spoke on condition of anonymity citing department rules.

Admission to Japan's top universities, seen as a prerequisite for a good job in government or business, is determined by applicants' performance on grueling entrance examinations, and young people face enormous pressure preparing for them. Many high school graduates who fail to get into their school of choice cram full-time for a full year for another shot - and sometimes longer until they make it.

The suspect is accused of turning to a popular question-and-answer site run by Yahoo Japan for help during a test. His eight alleged postings from Feb. 25-26, the exam days at Kyoto University, are still viewable online.

gadget-loving country「新しい物好きの国」 日本のことを指している
country that prizes hard work and fairness「勤勉と公正さを重んじる国」
he could become the first person to be prosecuted in the country for cheating
the gateway to top jobs in Japan's corporate culture
adapt to ~「~に順応する」
wrongful use of the Internet「インターネットの不当な使い方」
capable of massively spreading infornation instantly
on suspicion that ~「~の容疑で」
face up to three years in prison「3年の懲役刑を科せられる」
reapply to universities「大学を再受験する」
criminal records「犯罪歴」
on condition of anonymity「匿名を条件に」
a prerequisite for ~「~の必須条件」
applicants' performance「受験生の成績」
face enourmous pressure「非常に大きなプレッシャーに直面する」
cram full-time for a full year for another shot
turn to ~ for help「~に助けを求める」

Using the online alias "aicezuki" - whose meaning was unknown - the suspect asked for help in solving mathematical formulas and translating Japanese passages into English. After one, he ended politely, "It's a rather long passage, and I apologize for the trouble."

Various answers were then posted throughout the day.

The case was brought to light after someone who saw the Yahoo message board postings called the university on the second day of the test, triggering an investigation.

Police also suspect that he used similar cheating tactics at three other top universities - Doshisha, Waseda and Rikkyo - earlier in February. Officials at the those universities found similar questions posted under the same online alias on exam dates for those schools and have requested an investigation.

Police have confiscated the youth's cell phone, subscribed under his mother's name, for further investigation and analysis. There was no indication he had accomplices, police said.

The case also has some wondering whether the nation's venerable colleges are keeping up with modern technology. At Kyoto University, test takers must switch off their mobile phones and keep them in their bags. But many students take the test at the same time, and modern phones can quickly scan in long chunks of Japanese text through their cameras.

"Entrance exams should be strictly impartial, and that the occurrence of such an incident could spread alarm to the applicants as well as society, and is highly regrettable," wrote Kyoto University President Hiroshi Matsumoto in a statement posted online.

If the student is found to have cheated, the universities plan to disqualify him.

Other universities are scrambling to take measures, such as having test takers keep each of their cell phones in envelopes after switching them off and place them on desktop.

"Supervision is very important. Universities have always been aware of this, but especially because this case occurred, they should proceed properly," said Education Minister Yoshiaki Takaki told reporters Friday.

mathematical formula「数式」
apologize for ~「~を詫びる」
~ be brought to light「~か゛明るみに出る」
trigger an investigation「カンニング事件を調査するきっかけとなる」
subscribed under his mother's name「母親名義で登録された」
venerable college「由緒ある大学」
keep up with ~「~に遅れずについて行く」
long chunks of Japanese text「大量の日本文」
spread alarm to ~「~に不安が広がる」
scramble to ~「~しようと先を争う」


京都大学入試カンニングの過熱報道 [入試カンニング]


Japan frenzy over university exam cheating peaks after arrest





Despite a shaky government and various woes, the cheating scandal has dominated Japanese news...






Reuters Life!) - A week-long Japanese media frenzy over cheating on university entrance exams peaked on Friday after the arrest of a student who used his mobile phone to get answers off the Internet while sitting the tests.

Despite a shaky government and various economic woes, the cheating scandal has dominated Japanese news since a tipoff alerted one university last week, leading to the discovery of the questions -- and answers -- posted on the internet.

On Thursday night, a 19-year-old student from northern Japan was taken into custody after police combing through mobile phone records were led first to his mother, the subscriber to the mobile phone service, and then to him.

Kyodo news agency on Friday even sent a news flash quoting the student, who remains unnamed because he is a minor, as saying he cheated by "holding the phone between my thighs and texting with my left hand."

Media experts said a number of factors were to blame.

"I think the coverage has been a bit overdone myself, but this just goes to show that university entrance exams are still taken very seriously here in Japan," said Miiko Kodama, a professor at Musashi University who specializes in media studies.

"This is especially true of older generations who had a much harder time to get into university than people today, back in the days when it was known as the 'exam war.'"

media frenzy「メディアの過熱報道」
while sitting the tests「試験の最中に」
shaky governmnet「不安定な政府」
economic woes「経済苦境」
the cheating scandal has dominated Japanese news
lead to ~ 「~につながる」
be taken into custody「拘留される」
send a news flash「ニュース速報を流す」
quote ~ as saying...「~が...と言ったとされる」
remain unnamed「名前は伏せたままにしておく」
hold the phone between my thighs and texting with my left hand
the coverage has been a bit overdone
go to show that ~ 「~を証明するだけ」
take ~ seriously「~のことを真剣に考える」
be true of ~ 「~について当てはまる」
had a much harder time to ~ 「~するのに大変な苦労をした」
exam war「受験戦争」

The student, who was trying for university entrance for a second year after failing the year before, took exams for four of Japan's top universities between Feb 8 and 26.

Newspapers ran diagrams showing how the questions could have run from a mobile phone to the server and then to the site where they appeared, while TV news programs went onto the streets in Tokyo to time how fast teenagers can text.

There was even heated speculation that the student had acted with accomplices.

The fact that the cheating emerged on exams for Kyoto University, one of Japan's most renowned universities, is responsible for much of the frenzy, Kodama said.

"The fact that it's such a new-fangled way of cheating is also probably part of it. I don't think anybody would care if it was an old fashioned method," she said.

"In a way, I think there might be a bit of disappointment that it was just perpetrated by one boy from northern Japan, after being built up into something that might be much bigger."

Cheating scandals are not unknown in Japan, but arrests for them are rare. Police sources have been quoted as saying the student was held for obstructing university business by fraudulent means.

But Kodama had a much simpler answer.

"If Kyoto University had just dealt with the situation on its own, the student would have been disqualified and that would have been it. But it's now been built up into such a big deal that the police really had no choice," she said.

Newspapers ran diagram showing ~ 「新聞に~を示す図が掲載された」
how the questions could have ran「試験問題がどのようにして流出したのか」
time how fast teenagers can text
heated speculation that ~「~という白熱した憶測」
be responsible for much of the frenzy「過熱報道の大きな要因となる」
new-fangled way of cheating「最新式のカンニング方法」
old fashioned method「旧式の方法」
be built up into ~「~に仕立て上げられる」
fraudulent means「不正な手段、偽計」
on its own「自然に、独力で」
have no choice


京都大学入試でカンニングの受験生、逮捕 [入試カンニング]


Japan arrests tech-savvy university exam cheat






TOKYO (AFP) – Japanese police on Thursday arrested a student on suspicion he cheated during gruelling elite university entrance exams by emailing questions to a Yahoo! question-and-answer website from his cellphone.

Police said the 19-year-old was caught in northern Japan's Sendai city, where he attended a private preparatory school that readies students for universities, after his family reported him as missing to police.

Cheating in the tests for Kyoto, Waseda, Doshisha and Rikkyo universities has made national headlines in recent days, embarrassing education authorities who were unprepared for tech-savvy teenage cheats.

Japan's top government spokesman Yukio Edano called the case "extremely deplorable" as "fairness in entrance exams is an extremely important matter".

"We hope that law enforcers will investigate the case thoroughly and that the education ministry and universities make further efforts to prevent a recurrence of such a case," said Edano, the chief cabinet secretary.

The student, whose name was withheld, reportedly used a mobile phone to send English and maths questions to Yahoo! Japan's Chiebukuro ("Pearls of Wisdom") site, where online users answered them while the exams were in progress.

"I used the mobile phone and put the questions online all by myself," the student told investigators, according to public broadcaster NHK -- denying media speculation that he was cheating as part of a team.

Under Japanese law, the cheating may be punishable as an obstruction of universities' business operations by fraudulent means.

Police -- who earlier this week said they would seek the help of Yahoo! Japan -- found the student after tracking down a mobile phone which was owned by his mother, aged in her 40s, reports said.

Entrance exams are held in early spring as Japan's academic year starts in April. They are the culmination of an intensely competitive school system and a highly stressful time for candidates, as graduating from a top college or university has long been a virtual guarantee of a well-paid job.


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京都大学入試問題流出、携帯電話を使用 NO.3 [入試カンニング]

京都大学入試問題流出、携帯電話を使用 NO.3

Internet Cheating Scandal Shakes Japan Universities
Published: March 1, 2011

New York Timesでもこの入試不正問題を記事として取り上げています。

TOKYO — At first, the postings on a popular Web site last week seemed innocuous enough: a user soliciting help for answers to a series of difficult math and English questions.

But it later became clear that the questions were taken straight from an entrance exam to prestigious Kyoto University. And they were being posted — and being answered by other users — while the exam was still under way.

On Tuesday, the police began a manhunt for one or possibly more users who are believed to have used a single online handle, “aicezuki,” to cheat on exams at Kyoto University and three other top universities. The schools say they suspect test takers used cellphones to post the questions on the site and get the answers while the tests were still in progress.

While it is unclear whether more than one person was involved, the episode has become a national scandal, raising questions about how to monitor the grueling exams, the main route to success in Japan, in an era of smartphones and instant Internet access.

solicit help for~「~の手助けを求める」
questions were taken straight from~「質問は~から直接抜き出したものだった」
while the exams were still under way「試験の最中に」
began a manhunt「犯人捜査を開始した」
cheat on exams「試験でカンニングする」
while the tests were still in progress=while the exam was still under way
the episode has become a national scandal
the grueling exams, the main route to success in Japan

It also touched a nerve in a proudly egalitarian nation that has struggled to come to terms with its growing economic and social inequalities. Many here are wondering aloud whether admission to top universities — a ticket to a top corporate or government job — remains as merit-based as it used to be, or whether some young people are unfairly getting a leg up, in this case from misuse of new technologies.

“This is a heinous act that undermines the fairness that should be the basis of the university entrance system,” Japan’s largest daily newspaper, the Yomiuri Shimbun, warned in an editorial on Monday.

Stung by the outcry, the Education Ministry said it might ban cellphones and other communications devices at exam sites. South Korea, which has similarly demanding admissions tests, imposed such a ban after a 2004 cheating scandal that also involved cellphones. During the current scandal, Japan’s national NHK broadcaster has repeatedly shown footage of Korean students passing through metal detectors before taking exams.

Japan’s education minister, Yoshiaki Takaki, said that measures must be taken immediately to ensure the fairness of the exams, which are given every year in late winter and early spring.

“This is unforgivable,” Mr. Takaki told reporters.

touch a nerve in~「~の神経(痛いところ)にさわる」
egalitarian nation「平等国家」
come to terms with~「~を受け入れる、認める」
admission to top universities「一流大学に入学すること」
a ticket to a top corporate or government job「一流会社や政府の仕事に就職する近道」
as merit-based as it used to be「以前と同じように価値のある」
get a leg up「有利なスタートを切る」
This is a heinous act that undermines the fairness that~
Stung by the outcry「世間の強い抗議に後押しされて」
demanding admission test「(韓国の)難しい入学試験」
footage of Korean students passing through metal detectors
measures must be taken immediately to ~=we must take immediate measures to~


京都大学入試問題流出、携帯電話を使用 NO.2 [入試カンニング]

京都大学入試問題流出、携帯電話を使用 NO.2

Universities baffled by cheat who posted live from exams
Kyoto University exam candidates are instructed to turn off their mobile phones and place them in their bags. About 8,000 people took the English exam. They were scattered over about 110 exam rooms and overseen by about 400 invigilators.

About 120 invigilators worked the 28 rooms where about 2,500 candidates took the math exam.

Yahoo Japan Corp. said the times automatically attached to postings on the Chiebukuro site cannot be changed by the user. The website also detects and places a mark on postings sent from a mobile phone. That mark cannot be changed by users and was applied to postings by "aicezuki."

University officials are scratching their heads over the mechanics of the cheating. Despite rigid security, "aicezuki" was able to send six postings in 30 minutes.

exam candidates are instructed to turn off their mobile phones and place them in their bags
scratch their heads over the mechanics of the cheating
dispite rigid security「厳しい監視の目を潜り抜けて」

A 37-year-old private detective speculated that more than one person could have been involved.

"The individual may have turned off the shutter sound on the mobile phone and photographed the exam questions in the exam room," the private detective said.

The photographs could have then been transmitted by mobile phone to someone outside the exam room. That person might then have typed out and posted the questions. More than one individual can share an ID on the Yahoo site as long as they know the password.

Yahoo Japan asks people to give their e-mail address, birth date and gender when registering for their services, but there is no way to confirm the veracity of that information.

However, Yahoo Japan does hold information that can help track down individual users. Company officials said they would cooperate fully with the police.

turn off the shutter sound「携帯電話のシャッター音を切る」
photograph the exam questions「試験問題を写真にとる」
someone outside the exam room「試験会場の外にいる外部者」
type out and post the questions「文字入力をして問題を投稿する」
more than one individual「2人以上」
when registering for their services「サービスを登録するときに」
there is no way to comfirm the veracity of that infornation
track down「追いつめて捕える、見つけ出す」

Hisashi Sonoda, a professor of criminal law at the Konan University's law school, said: "It would be different if several people were involved, but it would be difficult for a single exam taker to use a mobile phone to leak exam questions to someone outside."

Based on the messages attached to the postings, Sonoda said, "I do not detect a strong desire to get into the university, even by using unfair methods."

He said the individual involved may have simply wanted to disrupt the entrance exam system.

The Chiebukuro site provides an Internet forum where individuals post questions for other members to answer. There is a function on the site allowing one response to be designated "best answer," but the service carries a disclaimer about the accuracy of responses. An answer to one of the English questions posted from Kyoto University's exam, designated on the site as the "best answer," was in fact incorrect.

According to Chiebukuro's records, "aicezuki" registered on Dec. 18 and had sent in 27 questions as of Saturday.

it would be difficult for a single exam taker to use a moble phone to leak exam questions to someone outside
I do not detect a strong desire to get into the university
an Internet forum where individuals post for other members to answer.
a function on the site allowing one resposnse to be diedignated "best answer"
the service carries a disclaimer


京都大学入試問題流出、携帯電話を使用 NO.1 [入試カンニング]

京都大学入試問題流出、携帯電話を使用 NO.1






Universities baffled by cheat who posted live from exams

Police will investigate an exam candidate who compromised Japan's university entrance system by posting questions to the Internet while exams were still in progress.

The individual, who used the ID "aicezuki," posted 12 questions from entrance exams at four universities to Yahoo's Chiebukuro (knowledge bag) website.

The largest number of questions came from the English and mathematics exams at Kyoto University. The other universities affected were Doshisha University in Kyoto, Waseda University in Tokyo and Rikkyo University in Tokyo.

Kyoto University plans to announce successful exam candidates on March 10, but says it will revoke the result of anyone found to have cheated. University officials said they would submit a complaint to the Kyoto prefectural police.

タイトルにあるposted live from~「~から生投稿した」ですが、恐らくはbroadcast live from~「~から実況生中継をする」という表現をもじったものものと思われます。ネット時代にふさわしい表現だと思います。
while exams were still in progress「試験の最中に」
announce successful exam candidates「合格者を発表する」
revoke the result of anyone found to have cheated「不正合格者の入学を取り消す」
submit a complaint to the Kyoto prefectural police「京都府警に被害届を提出する」

Kohei Shiota, Kyoto University's executive vice president for general affairs and personnel, told a news conference Sunday night: "I am furious because this is a criminal act that shakes the very foundations of a strict and fair entrance exam."

Shiota said there would be a thorough investigation and that the cheat would be dealt with firmly.

Questions from Kyoto University's mathematics and English exams on Friday and Saturday were posted on Chiebukuro within minutes of the start of the tests. The poster, using the "aicezuki" ID, got answers from Internet users before the exams had finished.

The math exam was held Friday from 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.m. The first posting came at 1:37 p.m. The sender wrote, "Please submit not only the answer, but also the calculations that are needed to come up with that answer."

There were frequent exchanges between the sender and the respondents. In a text message, one individual asked, "How about my translation (of English composition)? I'm afraid the translation is too literal." The sender answered, "Thank you."

this is a criminal act that shaken the very foundation of a strict and fair entrance exam.
there would be a thorough investigation=we would investigate it thouroughly
the cheat would be dealt with firmly=we would deal the cheat firmly
within minutes of the start of the tests
please submit not only the answer, but the calculations that are needed to come up with that answer
calculations that are needed to come up with that answerは直訳すると「答えを見出すのに必要な計算」となるが、これが「途中の計算」となる
the sender and the respondents「投稿者側と回答者側」
too literal「(訳が)直訳的」

Because of the extremely quick posting of the first question, reporters asked Kyoto University officials whether it was possible that questions had been leaked before the exam.

Toshiyuki Awaji, the university's executive vice president for education, said: "We cannot reveal how we store the questions because it is top secret information, but I can definitely say there was no way the questions could have leaked beforehand."

Awaji said university officials realized that something was wrong at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday. The university received phone calls pointing to the postings on the Internet.

The English exam was held Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. During the exam, two postings from "aicezuki" were submitted, asking that passages be translated into English. One posting came seven minutes after the English exam began.

Kyoto University officials determined that the postings matched questions from the entrance exam at about 5 p.m. Saturday.

whether it was possible that questions had been leaked before the exam
I can definitely say there was no way the questions could have leaked beforehand
Kyoto University officials determined that the postings matched questions from the entrance exam


京都大学入試でカンニング [入試カンニング]


Japan rattled by exam leaks






Japan’s elite universities have had their entrance exams—the most important hurdle in any Japanese student’s life—compromised by efforts to seek online help during the tests, they admitted yesterday.

Maths and English questions from the entrance examinations for the prestigious Kyoto University were placed on Yahoo! Japan’s question-and-answer service web page on Friday and Saturday.

The postings were made under the same user name, “aicezuki”, which does not seem to relate to any common Japanese term, and online answers were soon offered for his or her appeal.

A Kyoto University official confirmed that the postings matched questions from their tests.
Other top institutions, including the private Waseda and Keio universities, faced similar problems, Japanese media reported as the Kyoto incident made front-page headlines.

The top-selling Yomiuri Shimbun suspected that candidates took pictures of questions on their mobile phones and sent them to an outside associate who placed the queries online.

Other media suggested that pranksters might have been trying to show off their abilities under tight security and supervision at the test sites.

Japanese college exams are the culmination of the country’s intensive school education system and a highly emotional and stressful time for those who take part.

The schools were embarrassed by the latest disclosures.
“Our institution has started an investigation over the facts of the matter. We shall take strict actions if we discover wrongdoings,” said Toshiyuki Awaji, a science professor at Kyoto and director-general of its Institute for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education.









have~compromised by...「~が...によって汚されてしまう」このhaveは使役動詞
relate to~「~と関係がある」
take strict actions「厳しい処置を取る」

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入試カンニング ブログトップ
