子供たちの自殺がこの30年で過去最多 [社会]
ニューヨークタイムズ 2018/11/6

Suicides Among Japanese Children Reach Highest Level in 3 Decades

A total of 250 children in elementary, middle and high schools committed suicide last year in Japan, the highest number since 1986. By Motoko Rich and Makiko Inoue
New York Times 2018/11/6
TOKYO — Suicides by young people in Japan rose to their highest level in three decades in 2017, according to new figures released by the government.
Japan has a persistent problem with suicides, although the number has been declining over all. But child suicides have risen recently, with experts pointing to school pressures and bullying as likely triggers.
Last year 250 children in elementary, middle and high schools committed suicide, the highest number since 1986, according to data released last month by the Education Ministry.
According to the Education Ministry survey of schools, most of the students did not leave any explanation for why they decided to take their own lives. Of those who did, the most frequently cited reason was worries over what path to take after graduation. Other reasons included family problems and bullying.
A separate survey by Japan’s Cabinet Office in 2015 found that suicides among children tended to spike on Sept. 1, speculating that students felt school pressures more intensely after the summer break. According to the Welfare Ministry, suicide was the leading cause of death last year among 15- to 19-year-olds.
Although child suicide is not a problem unique to Japan, mental illness is still not an open topic of discussion, and it is difficult for children and teenagers who are depressed or anxious to seek help.
“In Japan, your biggest problem is that there is a greater stigma about mental health problems than in other countries,” said Vickie Skorji, director of the crisis hotline at TELL, a counseling and crisis intervention service in Tokyo. “You’re most likely to get bullied, and less likely to get support services and understanding from your parents.”
Some experts say that children do not receive as much support from family as they might have in the past. While several generations of a family used to live together, such arrangements are less common now.
“I think support networks for children have been weakening,” said Yoshitomo Takahashi, a professor and psychiatrist at Tsukuba University. “Now, we cannot expect the same thing from families that we used to expect. We can’t expect parents or grandparents to provide the support they used to. And in this situation, children remain alone.”
Experts say that schools are generally not well equipped to cope with mental illness among students and, in general, education about mental illness is lacking. “Teachers are busy, and they cannot respond to each individual student in many cases,” said Yuki Kubota, professor of clinical psychology at Kyushu Sangyo University.
Over the summer, a junior high school in Aomori, in northern Japan, admitted that bullying provoked the 2016 suicide of a 13-year-old girl, Rima Kasai. In a report about the suicide, the school said that it had relied on individual teachers to respond to the bullying but that the situation “reached its limit as no organized action was taken.”
ニューヨークタイムズ 2018/11/6

Suicides Among Japanese Children Reach Highest Level in 3 Decades

A total of 250 children in elementary, middle and high schools committed suicide last year in Japan, the highest number since 1986. By Motoko Rich and Makiko Inoue
New York Times 2018/11/6
TOKYO — Suicides by young people in Japan rose to their highest level in three decades in 2017, according to new figures released by the government.
Japan has a persistent problem with suicides, although the number has been declining over all. But child suicides have risen recently, with experts pointing to school pressures and bullying as likely triggers.
Last year 250 children in elementary, middle and high schools committed suicide, the highest number since 1986, according to data released last month by the Education Ministry.
According to the Education Ministry survey of schools, most of the students did not leave any explanation for why they decided to take their own lives. Of those who did, the most frequently cited reason was worries over what path to take after graduation. Other reasons included family problems and bullying.
A separate survey by Japan’s Cabinet Office in 2015 found that suicides among children tended to spike on Sept. 1, speculating that students felt school pressures more intensely after the summer break. According to the Welfare Ministry, suicide was the leading cause of death last year among 15- to 19-year-olds.
Although child suicide is not a problem unique to Japan, mental illness is still not an open topic of discussion, and it is difficult for children and teenagers who are depressed or anxious to seek help.
“In Japan, your biggest problem is that there is a greater stigma about mental health problems than in other countries,” said Vickie Skorji, director of the crisis hotline at TELL, a counseling and crisis intervention service in Tokyo. “You’re most likely to get bullied, and less likely to get support services and understanding from your parents.”
Some experts say that children do not receive as much support from family as they might have in the past. While several generations of a family used to live together, such arrangements are less common now.
“I think support networks for children have been weakening,” said Yoshitomo Takahashi, a professor and psychiatrist at Tsukuba University. “Now, we cannot expect the same thing from families that we used to expect. We can’t expect parents or grandparents to provide the support they used to. And in this situation, children remain alone.”
Experts say that schools are generally not well equipped to cope with mental illness among students and, in general, education about mental illness is lacking. “Teachers are busy, and they cannot respond to each individual student in many cases,” said Yuki Kubota, professor of clinical psychology at Kyushu Sangyo University.
Over the summer, a junior high school in Aomori, in northern Japan, admitted that bullying provoked the 2016 suicide of a 13-year-old girl, Rima Kasai. In a report about the suicide, the school said that it had relied on individual teachers to respond to the bullying but that the situation “reached its limit as no organized action was taken.”
観光公害の初の実態調査に乗り出す日本政府 [社会]
New York Times 2018/10/15

今回調査する150自治体は、県庁所在地や政令指定都市のほか、日本版DMO(Destination Management Organization)と呼ばれる組織を設立して観光振興に取り組む自治体などが中心。
Japan gov't launches 1st survey on 'overtourism' Japan Today 2018/10/15

Passengers form long lines to get on Kyoto city buses in front of JR Kyoto Station in this photo taken in February this year
Japan is launching its first survey on "overtourism," or the phenomenon of a popular destination becoming overrun with tourists in an unsustainable way, to counter nuisances such as noise and congestion that disrupt locals' lives, according to officials.
The Japan Tourism Agency aims to compile a report by the end of March based on a survey of municipalities with major tourists spots and to explore ways to foster an environment where tourism can coexist with residents' lives amid a surge in foreign visitors to the country.
The agency has already sent questionnaires to around 50 local governments and will start a fresh survey on another 150 or so within October.
Tourism-related problems occur during peak seasons in popular sites such as the ancient cities of Kyoto and Kamakura, with commuter traffic affected by severe congestion on trains and buses.
In neighborhoods where private apartments or single-family houses offer lodgings to foreign tourists, complaints abound about noise levels and improper trash disposal.
Besides complaints related to lodgings, nuisances reported by municipalities include illegal parking in vacant lots in the World Heritage site of the village of Shirakawa in Gifu Prefecture and trespassing into fields near a major natural beauty spot in the town of Biei in Hokkaido.
The survey's goal is to learn more about the degree of public congestion, breaches of local rules, environmental degradation and other issues that may occur due to the high number of tourists.
The agency is also planning to set up in November a study group involving municipality officials and experts. The new body will propose policies for the central and local governments based on the survey results so that Japan can develop regions that are "good to live in and visit," the officials said.
The survey of the 150 municipalities will mostly target prefectural capitals, major cities and those with tourism promotion bodies known as "destination management organizations."
Visitors to Japan reached 21.31 million between January and August this year, up 12.6 percent from a year earlier. For the whole of 2018, the number is projected to hit 30 million for the first time.
The Japanese government aims to increase the number of foreign tourists to 40 million by 2020 and to 60 million by 2030. Tokyo is aware that the numerical targets may not be met if a backlash from residents diminishes tourist satisfaction, the officials said.
New York Times 2018/10/15

今回調査する150自治体は、県庁所在地や政令指定都市のほか、日本版DMO(Destination Management Organization)と呼ばれる組織を設立して観光振興に取り組む自治体などが中心。
Japan gov't launches 1st survey on 'overtourism' Japan Today 2018/10/15

Passengers form long lines to get on Kyoto city buses in front of JR Kyoto Station in this photo taken in February this year
Japan is launching its first survey on "overtourism," or the phenomenon of a popular destination becoming overrun with tourists in an unsustainable way, to counter nuisances such as noise and congestion that disrupt locals' lives, according to officials.
The Japan Tourism Agency aims to compile a report by the end of March based on a survey of municipalities with major tourists spots and to explore ways to foster an environment where tourism can coexist with residents' lives amid a surge in foreign visitors to the country.
The agency has already sent questionnaires to around 50 local governments and will start a fresh survey on another 150 or so within October.
Tourism-related problems occur during peak seasons in popular sites such as the ancient cities of Kyoto and Kamakura, with commuter traffic affected by severe congestion on trains and buses.
In neighborhoods where private apartments or single-family houses offer lodgings to foreign tourists, complaints abound about noise levels and improper trash disposal.
Besides complaints related to lodgings, nuisances reported by municipalities include illegal parking in vacant lots in the World Heritage site of the village of Shirakawa in Gifu Prefecture and trespassing into fields near a major natural beauty spot in the town of Biei in Hokkaido.
The survey's goal is to learn more about the degree of public congestion, breaches of local rules, environmental degradation and other issues that may occur due to the high number of tourists.
The agency is also planning to set up in November a study group involving municipality officials and experts. The new body will propose policies for the central and local governments based on the survey results so that Japan can develop regions that are "good to live in and visit," the officials said.
The survey of the 150 municipalities will mostly target prefectural capitals, major cities and those with tourism promotion bodies known as "destination management organizations."
Visitors to Japan reached 21.31 million between January and August this year, up 12.6 percent from a year earlier. For the whole of 2018, the number is projected to hit 30 million for the first time.
The Japanese government aims to increase the number of foreign tourists to 40 million by 2020 and to 60 million by 2030. Tokyo is aware that the numerical targets may not be met if a backlash from residents diminishes tourist satisfaction, the officials said.
地震に見舞われた北海道の火力発電所が全面再稼働 [社会]
Kyodo 2018/10/11
Quake-hit thermal power plant in Hokkaido goes fully back online
Kyodo 2018/10/11
A major coal-fired power plant on Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido went fully back online on Wednesday, about a month after a deadly earthquake caused a prefecture-wide blackout.
The No. 2 unit of the Tomatoatsuma power plant, damaged in the Sept 6 quake, resumed full operation at 6 a.m., adding 600,000 kilowatts in output, according to its operator Hokkaido Electric Power Co. The other two units of the plant in the town of Atsuma went back online last month.
The plant, capable of producing 1.65 million kw of electricity, was supplying roughly half of Hokkaido's power at the time of the quake. Its suspension temporarily left about 2.95 million households without power.
With the restart, the utility can now provide 5.2 million kw of electricity in the prefecture. It is just in time for the arrival of the region's severe winter weather that boosts electricity demand to over 5 million kw every year for heating and other purposes.
The company had been working to restore power supply to normal while a third-party panel was investigating why the extensive blackout took place. Residents of Hokkaido were asked to limit their energy use in the days following the magnitude 6.7 quake, which claimed the lives of 41 and injured hundreds of others.
A separate thermal power plant in Hokkaido's Tomakomai, capable of generating 250,000 kw, is expected to resume operation at the end of October.
Hokkaido Electric had to replace 12 boiler tubes at the No. 2 unit that had caused steam leaks and it resumed operation on a trial basis on Sept 21.
The operator sought to bring operation back to normal in stages while checking the status of equipment used to break coal used as fuel after its temperature control failed to work properly.
One of the two units of the Tomatoatsuma plant, whose boiler tubes also suffered damage, resumed operation on Sept. 19 and the other one on Sept 25 after it went offline due to a fire.
Kyodo 2018/10/11
Quake-hit thermal power plant in Hokkaido goes fully back online
Kyodo 2018/10/11
A major coal-fired power plant on Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido went fully back online on Wednesday, about a month after a deadly earthquake caused a prefecture-wide blackout.
The No. 2 unit of the Tomatoatsuma power plant, damaged in the Sept 6 quake, resumed full operation at 6 a.m., adding 600,000 kilowatts in output, according to its operator Hokkaido Electric Power Co. The other two units of the plant in the town of Atsuma went back online last month.
The plant, capable of producing 1.65 million kw of electricity, was supplying roughly half of Hokkaido's power at the time of the quake. Its suspension temporarily left about 2.95 million households without power.
With the restart, the utility can now provide 5.2 million kw of electricity in the prefecture. It is just in time for the arrival of the region's severe winter weather that boosts electricity demand to over 5 million kw every year for heating and other purposes.
The company had been working to restore power supply to normal while a third-party panel was investigating why the extensive blackout took place. Residents of Hokkaido were asked to limit their energy use in the days following the magnitude 6.7 quake, which claimed the lives of 41 and injured hundreds of others.
A separate thermal power plant in Hokkaido's Tomakomai, capable of generating 250,000 kw, is expected to resume operation at the end of October.
Hokkaido Electric had to replace 12 boiler tubes at the No. 2 unit that had caused steam leaks and it resumed operation on a trial basis on Sept 21.
The operator sought to bring operation back to normal in stages while checking the status of equipment used to break coal used as fuel after its temperature control failed to work properly.
One of the two units of the Tomatoatsuma plant, whose boiler tubes also suffered damage, resumed operation on Sept. 19 and the other one on Sept 25 after it went offline due to a fire.
安倍首相ー在任期間が歴代最長へ [政治]
ニューヨークタイムズの東京支局長のMotoko Rich氏が独り勝ちを続ける安倍首相のことを記事にしていますのでここに紹介します。

The New York Times 2018/9/20
「国民は今回の総裁選結果にそれほど熱狂はしていないようだが、有権者たちは安倍晋三首相以外に国政を任せられる人はいないと考えている。」と話すのは外交問題評議会(Council on Foreign Relations )の日本専門家のシェイラ・スミス氏。「政党であろうと、国民全体であろうと、日本が直面している様々な課題を考えると、トランプ政権からの課題は全くないにしても、日本国民はリスクを冒すことを嫌っている。
安倍晋三首相は、来週、ニューヨークでの国連総会に合わせて、これまで精力的に親密な関係を築いてきたトランプ大統領と会う予定だ。 トランプ政権は輸入自動車に関税をかけると脅してくることが予想され、安倍晋三首相が望む日米二か国間貿易会談ではアメリカからプレッシャーを受けることになる可能性もある。
Shinzo Abe Gets One Step Closer to Becoming Japan’s Longest-Serving Premier

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, center, after casting his ballot on Thursday during a party vote by the Liberal Democrats in Tokyo.CreditCreditCarl Court/Getty Images
The New York Times By Motoko Rich
Sept. 20, 2018
TOKYO — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a commanding victory in a vote for the leadership of Japan’s governing party on Thursday, moving him closer to his dream of becoming the longest-serving prime minister in the country’s history and fueling his hopes of revising its pacifist Constitution.
Mr. Abe’s win over a single challenger came despite the headwinds he faced from domestic political scandals, stagnant wages and his declining influence with President Trump, particularly in negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear program.
The victory gives Mr. Abe, 63, a new three-year term as president of the Liberal Democratic Party and assures him of remaining prime minister. If he remains in office until November 2019 — just short of seven years after he was elected in December 2012 — he will surpass the previous longevity record for prime minister, set during the Meiji era in the early 20th century by Taro Katsura.
Mr. Abe faces a full slate of challenges, including towering national debt, the increasing threat of climate change-related disasters, a rapidly aging society and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
“Cooperating with you, I’d like to do my best to hand over to our children’s generation a Japan filled with hope and pride,” Mr. Abe said in his acceptance speech.
Above all, analysts said, Mr. Abe’s signature accomplishment is his stable political leadership in a country that had grown weary of a conveyor belt of prime ministers. Since World War II, the average tenure of Japanese prime ministers has been about two years. By the end of next year, Mr. Abe would exceed Mr. Katsura’s almost eight years in office because Mr. Abe’s tenure includes an earlier stint as prime minister.
Critics have been disappointed by Mr. Abe’s entanglement in influence-peddling scandals and his failure to deliver stronger economic growth or the gender equality measures that he has long promised. But his opponent in the party election, Shigeru Ishiba, a former defense minister, failed to generate enough enthusiasm to justify a change of course.
“People may not be wildly excited, but they can’t think of anybody who is going to do any better,” said Sheila A. Smith, a Japan expert at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. “Whether it’s the party or it’s the Japanese voter writ large, I think they are pretty risk averse right now, given all the challenges that Japan faces, not the least of which is the Trump administration.”
Next week in New York, Mr. Abe, who has persistently cultivated a cozy relationship with Mr. Trump, is expected to meet with him on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. Mr. Abe could come under pressure to enter bilateral trade talks as the Trump administration mulls threatened tariffs on automobile imports.
Mr. Abe, who led Japan’s effort to restart talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping multilateral trade agreement that Mr. Trump exited during his first week in office, will have to show his resolve in resisting Mr. Trump’s desire for a two-way trade deal between their nations.
Domestically, Mr. Abe’s biggest test could come as he tries to revise Japan’s war-renouncing Constitution, which was enacted by American postwar occupiers in 1947.
“I’d like to work on constitutional reform together with you,” Mr. Abe said in his victory address to the Liberal Democrats. Amending the pacifist clause has long been one of his most cherished goals, as his grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, tried and failed to do.
Analysts said that Mr. Abe faced considerable risks, given that any change to the Constitution has to be approved not only by Parliament, but by the general public.

Mr. Abe with members of his Liberal Democratic Party. CreditCarl Court/Getty Images
“If he cannot win a national referendum it will be a suicidal act for him,” said Yuichi Hosoya, a professor of international politics at Keio University in Tokyo.
A poll conducted this month by NHK, the public broadcaster, found that only 18 percent of those surveyed would support a constitutional change if a bill were to be submitted this fall. About a third said submitting such a measure this fall was not necessary, leaving about 40 percent undecided.
That Mr. Abe has made it this far into a third term as party leader is a testament to a dramatic political turnaround. As prime minister for a disastrous year from 2006 to 2007, he was dogged by scandals and oversaw a catastrophic election loss.
After being elected prime minister again in 2012, Mr. Abe focused on the economy, promoting policies of low interest rates and high infrastructure spending in a platform he dubbed Abenomics. Under his leadership this time around, the Liberal Democrats have expanded their dominance in Parliament.
“He matured before he came back to the prime ministership in 2012,” said Hiroshi Nakanishi, a professor of international politics at Kyoto University. “I think the basis of Abe’s strength is the economy.”
But with a declining and aging population and debt that is more than double the size of the national economy, Mr. Abe has limited room to maneuver, particularly if a global trade war becomes a drag on growth.
“There are lots of worries, and Prime Minister Abe has already extended all sorts of means through Abenomics,” said Mieko Nakabayashi, a former member of Japan’s House of Representatives and now a professor in the School of Social Sciences at Waseda University, Tokyo. “He has utilized all the possible tools already.”
Ordinary citizens have not necessarily felt the benefits of Mr. Abe’s economic prescriptions so far.
“Nothing has changed,” said Miwa Ishimori, 46, a caretaker in a nursing home in Saitama Prefecture outside Tokyo. “Our salary hasn’t changed. I want Abe-san to look after people in the lower rungs of society.”
As part of his economic plan, Mr. Abe has often talked of the importance of promoting more women in the workplace and creating a society in which women can “shine.” Yet critics point to lugubrious progress, with Japan ranking 114th of 144 countries in the World Economic Forum’s global gender equality rankings.
“On questions of the woman’s role in society, I think the Abe administration has shifted into a much more social conservatism than I would have thought likely,” Ms. Smith said.
With Mr. Abe’s extended tenure come concerns that he and his party exert too much power in Japan, where the opposition is extremely weak.
“I’m worried about the situation where he stays for such a long time that no one can say ‘no’ to him,” said Noriko Iwasaki, 46, an assistant at a Kabuki theater in Tokyo. “Is it O.K. to have only ‘yes’ men around him as he becomes too strong?”
But with so much international uncertainty, others said they appreciated a domestic even keel.
“Our lives aren’t so wonderful, but that’s not bad,” said Susumu Amano, 57, who works for a butcher in a Tokyo department store. “It’s good not to see much change.”
Makiko Inoue contributed reporting.
ニューヨークタイムズの東京支局長のMotoko Rich氏が独り勝ちを続ける安倍首相のことを記事にしていますのでここに紹介します。

The New York Times 2018/9/20
「国民は今回の総裁選結果にそれほど熱狂はしていないようだが、有権者たちは安倍晋三首相以外に国政を任せられる人はいないと考えている。」と話すのは外交問題評議会(Council on Foreign Relations )の日本専門家のシェイラ・スミス氏。「政党であろうと、国民全体であろうと、日本が直面している様々な課題を考えると、トランプ政権からの課題は全くないにしても、日本国民はリスクを冒すことを嫌っている。
安倍晋三首相は、来週、ニューヨークでの国連総会に合わせて、これまで精力的に親密な関係を築いてきたトランプ大統領と会う予定だ。 トランプ政権は輸入自動車に関税をかけると脅してくることが予想され、安倍晋三首相が望む日米二か国間貿易会談ではアメリカからプレッシャーを受けることになる可能性もある。
Shinzo Abe Gets One Step Closer to Becoming Japan’s Longest-Serving Premier

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, center, after casting his ballot on Thursday during a party vote by the Liberal Democrats in Tokyo.CreditCreditCarl Court/Getty Images
The New York Times By Motoko Rich
Sept. 20, 2018
TOKYO — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a commanding victory in a vote for the leadership of Japan’s governing party on Thursday, moving him closer to his dream of becoming the longest-serving prime minister in the country’s history and fueling his hopes of revising its pacifist Constitution.
Mr. Abe’s win over a single challenger came despite the headwinds he faced from domestic political scandals, stagnant wages and his declining influence with President Trump, particularly in negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear program.
The victory gives Mr. Abe, 63, a new three-year term as president of the Liberal Democratic Party and assures him of remaining prime minister. If he remains in office until November 2019 — just short of seven years after he was elected in December 2012 — he will surpass the previous longevity record for prime minister, set during the Meiji era in the early 20th century by Taro Katsura.
Mr. Abe faces a full slate of challenges, including towering national debt, the increasing threat of climate change-related disasters, a rapidly aging society and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
“Cooperating with you, I’d like to do my best to hand over to our children’s generation a Japan filled with hope and pride,” Mr. Abe said in his acceptance speech.
Above all, analysts said, Mr. Abe’s signature accomplishment is his stable political leadership in a country that had grown weary of a conveyor belt of prime ministers. Since World War II, the average tenure of Japanese prime ministers has been about two years. By the end of next year, Mr. Abe would exceed Mr. Katsura’s almost eight years in office because Mr. Abe’s tenure includes an earlier stint as prime minister.
Critics have been disappointed by Mr. Abe’s entanglement in influence-peddling scandals and his failure to deliver stronger economic growth or the gender equality measures that he has long promised. But his opponent in the party election, Shigeru Ishiba, a former defense minister, failed to generate enough enthusiasm to justify a change of course.
“People may not be wildly excited, but they can’t think of anybody who is going to do any better,” said Sheila A. Smith, a Japan expert at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. “Whether it’s the party or it’s the Japanese voter writ large, I think they are pretty risk averse right now, given all the challenges that Japan faces, not the least of which is the Trump administration.”
Next week in New York, Mr. Abe, who has persistently cultivated a cozy relationship with Mr. Trump, is expected to meet with him on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. Mr. Abe could come under pressure to enter bilateral trade talks as the Trump administration mulls threatened tariffs on automobile imports.
Mr. Abe, who led Japan’s effort to restart talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping multilateral trade agreement that Mr. Trump exited during his first week in office, will have to show his resolve in resisting Mr. Trump’s desire for a two-way trade deal between their nations.
Domestically, Mr. Abe’s biggest test could come as he tries to revise Japan’s war-renouncing Constitution, which was enacted by American postwar occupiers in 1947.
“I’d like to work on constitutional reform together with you,” Mr. Abe said in his victory address to the Liberal Democrats. Amending the pacifist clause has long been one of his most cherished goals, as his grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, tried and failed to do.
Analysts said that Mr. Abe faced considerable risks, given that any change to the Constitution has to be approved not only by Parliament, but by the general public.

Mr. Abe with members of his Liberal Democratic Party. CreditCarl Court/Getty Images
“If he cannot win a national referendum it will be a suicidal act for him,” said Yuichi Hosoya, a professor of international politics at Keio University in Tokyo.
A poll conducted this month by NHK, the public broadcaster, found that only 18 percent of those surveyed would support a constitutional change if a bill were to be submitted this fall. About a third said submitting such a measure this fall was not necessary, leaving about 40 percent undecided.
That Mr. Abe has made it this far into a third term as party leader is a testament to a dramatic political turnaround. As prime minister for a disastrous year from 2006 to 2007, he was dogged by scandals and oversaw a catastrophic election loss.
After being elected prime minister again in 2012, Mr. Abe focused on the economy, promoting policies of low interest rates and high infrastructure spending in a platform he dubbed Abenomics. Under his leadership this time around, the Liberal Democrats have expanded their dominance in Parliament.
“He matured before he came back to the prime ministership in 2012,” said Hiroshi Nakanishi, a professor of international politics at Kyoto University. “I think the basis of Abe’s strength is the economy.”
But with a declining and aging population and debt that is more than double the size of the national economy, Mr. Abe has limited room to maneuver, particularly if a global trade war becomes a drag on growth.
“There are lots of worries, and Prime Minister Abe has already extended all sorts of means through Abenomics,” said Mieko Nakabayashi, a former member of Japan’s House of Representatives and now a professor in the School of Social Sciences at Waseda University, Tokyo. “He has utilized all the possible tools already.”
Ordinary citizens have not necessarily felt the benefits of Mr. Abe’s economic prescriptions so far.
“Nothing has changed,” said Miwa Ishimori, 46, a caretaker in a nursing home in Saitama Prefecture outside Tokyo. “Our salary hasn’t changed. I want Abe-san to look after people in the lower rungs of society.”
As part of his economic plan, Mr. Abe has often talked of the importance of promoting more women in the workplace and creating a society in which women can “shine.” Yet critics point to lugubrious progress, with Japan ranking 114th of 144 countries in the World Economic Forum’s global gender equality rankings.
“On questions of the woman’s role in society, I think the Abe administration has shifted into a much more social conservatism than I would have thought likely,” Ms. Smith said.
With Mr. Abe’s extended tenure come concerns that he and his party exert too much power in Japan, where the opposition is extremely weak.
“I’m worried about the situation where he stays for such a long time that no one can say ‘no’ to him,” said Noriko Iwasaki, 46, an assistant at a Kabuki theater in Tokyo. “Is it O.K. to have only ‘yes’ men around him as he becomes too strong?”
But with so much international uncertainty, others said they appreciated a domestic even keel.
“Our lives aren’t so wonderful, but that’s not bad,” said Susumu Amano, 57, who works for a butcher in a Tokyo department store. “It’s good not to see much change.”
Makiko Inoue contributed reporting.