日本の政治の恥がまたしても世界に発信 [政治]

Japanese politician melts down on camera
(CBS News 2014/07/02)





"His bawling is worse than my kid's," 「泣き叫ぶあの姿は私の子供より始末が悪い

"The brat thinks if he cries, they'll let him off the hook," 「泣けば不正疑惑問題は追及されずに済むと考えているのか」

"Really disgusting," a third posted. "Does he have no shame?"「本当にみっともない。恥というものを知らないのか」


この記事では「日帰り出張」をsame-day business trips と表現していますが、1泊しないでその日のうちに戻ってくるのでsame-day business tripとなるようです。


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安倍首相は平成の吉田松陰? [政治]



記事のタイトルはーThr third arrow, サブタイトルはHow Japan is changing at last?








Mr Abe needs to stay focused on his target and avoid being hobbled by interest-groups or sidetracked by nationalism. But the scale of what he has put forward this week is breathtaking. It offers the best chance for many years of revitalising Japan. That is something everybody should welcome.




DURING Japan’s Meiji restoration, which began in 1868, a group of reform-minded officials and citizens worked together to stamp out feudalism, prise open borders and push the country onto a path of rapid industrialisation. In little over ten years they reshaped Japan from top to bottom. That well-known tale has left a perennial optimism among the Japanese that they can, when absolutely necessary, change direction. Others, especially foreigners, are not so sure. In two decades of economic stagnation Japan’s leaders have repeatedly failed to rescue their country’s fortunes.

Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister since 2012, has offered something for both sides. He started surprisingly well. Last year, with Meiji speed, he shot off the first two arrows of “Abenomics”: a huge fiscal stimulus and a dramatic programme of monetary easing. His approval rating soared, as did the stockmarket, and his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) triumphed in an election for the upper house of the Diet, Japan’s parliament. But his first attempt at a third arrow of structural reforms to unleash growth, an announcement in June 2013, fell flat. He seemed to have been nobbled by Japan’s various lobbies. Then in December he paid a visit to the Yasukuni shrine, which was taken as a symbol of reverence for Japan’s criminal militarist past. That infuriated outsiders and strengthened suspicions that his focus on economic reform had wavered.

This week Mr Abe is back with a proper third arrow. There are two reasons for thinking that this time it will hit the target. First, the country has reached a point at which almost all Japanese realise that reform of some sort is needed. Second, Mr Abe is at last pursuing schemes of such breadth that they touch on nearly every area of the economy that demands change.

The wrinkled society

Japan has changed in the 20 years of stagnation. Demography is the main reason. Like telltale grey hairs, the signs of ageing are everywhere. A think-tank has just predicted that some 900 municipalities, or half of the total, will have disappeared by 2040, as women of childbearing age migrate to big cities. Centenarians are the fastest-growing segment of the population, and over one-tenth of houses are already vacant, chiefly because of ageing. The workforce is shrinking so fast that even Japan’s often sexist and xenophobic elite is discussing subjects such as higher immigration and encouraging women to get a job. Among farmers, whose average age is a staggering 70, resistance to reform from those who wish to keep agriculture small-scale and inefficient is dying along with the resisters.

Another prompt is sluggish growth. Twenty years of underperformance has practical consequences. It helps explain why the nation’s companies increasingly belong to foreigners, who now own 30% of the stockmarket in total, up from 4% in 1989. Shareholder capitalism is spreading and many large firms are setting themselves ambitious aims for profitability. That greatly aids Mr Abe’s goal of forcing Japan Inc to invest its huge pile of savings, rather than hoard them, and to improve the allocation of capital. Foreign shareholders are also likely to argue for more rapid change to Japan’s post-war system of lifetime employment, which is slowly keeling over. Nearly 5m protected, permanent staff are now surplus to requirements yet cannot be laid off, even with severance pay. Meanwhile almost two-fifths of Japan’s employees, especially the young and female, are stuck in irregular, low-paid jobs.

The third prompt is China’s rise. Voters now understand the need for Japan to stand up for itself. That leads to some ugly nationalist poses, but it also makes economic reform seem more urgent—even to ugly nationalists.

Mr Abe’s reform plan is far weightier than its predecessors. It seeks to free up an overly restrictive health-care sector, to ease the way for local and foreign entrepreneurs in Japan and to overhaul corporate governance. Some measures take on deep cultural taboos, such as allowing Japanese households in a series of special economic zones to sponsor foreign maids to help care for children and the old. And more is still to come. Together, all this represents a coherent vision of a more innovative and globally minded society. Part of its strength is its breadth: it is less a single arrow than a 1,000-strong bundle of acupuncture needles.

That Mr Abe’s approval ratings are still so high after announcing his intention to tackle sensitive areas is a sign that the public is ready for fresh thinking. Japan’s previous effort at a radical overhaul was led by Junichiro Koizumi, prime minister in 2001-06. His successors diluted his reforms. (One of the main villains was his protégé, Mr Abe, whose first, disastrous, term as prime minister lasted only a year.) Nowadays, Mr Abe faces little serious opposition outside the LDP: the opposition Democratic Party of Japan is nowhere near reviving itself after its trouncing at the polls in December 2012.

That opinion is shifting in favour of reforms does not mean the country is united behind them. Many powerful interest groups, from farmers to doctors to big business to—strongest of all—the civil service, will fight them. Yet the sheer ambition of the growth plan that the cabinet approved this week is evidence of Mr Abe’s determination to act as a “drill bit” in spite of them all (see article).

Tries, shoots and leaves?
Mr Abe likes to quote Shoin Yoshida, an intellectual who inspired the Meiji’s reformers: “Once a man’s will is set, he can triumph through any obstacle.” But much still depends on whether enough reforms are enacted in full, without codicils that stealthily neuter their impact, and on when they will take effect. In some areas—notably the labour market, where permanent workers enjoy excessive protection—Mr Abe must go further. And across the range of reforms, he will have to force change on those still determined to resist.

Mr Abe needs to stay focused on his target and avoid being hobbled by interest-groups or sidetracked by nationalism. But the scale of what he has put forward this week is breathtaking. It offers the best chance for many years of revitalising Japan. That is something everybody should welcome.

ついに始まる日本の改革:第3の矢(JB Press)

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東京で焼身自殺 [政治]

Debate over Japanese constitution intensifies as man sets himself alight
(CNN 2014/06/30)



「焼身自殺」のことをCNNの記事ではself-immolation と表現していますが、self-immolation は日本では極めて異例の抗議方法だと報じています。


Currently, Japan's constitution, signed into effect following the Second World War, allows for self-defense but does not authorize military action outside Japan. The changes would allow the Japanese Self Defense Force to engage in collective defense, which includes deploying soldiers internationally to defend the interests of Japanese allies.



"the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes."





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性差別が蔓延している日本の議会 [政治]

Tokyo assembly member apologizes for sexist heckling of female colleague
(CNN 2014/06/23)








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打たれ強い?安倍首相 [政治]


Moment of reckoning

The prime minister's attempts to reform both the economy and the pacifist constitution are entering a critical phase.
(The Economist June 7th 2014)















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東京都知事選 [政治]

Ruling Party-Backed Candidate Wins Tokyo Race
(Time 2014/02/09)



Yoichi Masuzoe, a former health minister backed by Japan’s ruling party, easily won Tokyo’s gubernatorial election Sunday, defeating two candidates who had promised to end nuclear power.


★immediate end to nuclear power「即:脱原発」を訴える宇都宮、細川2候補に対して、舛添氏は"reducing our dependence on nuclear power needs to be done gradually,” 「原発依存度を徐々に減らしていくことが必要」だと述べています。


The anti-nuclear vote was divided between Utsunomiya, who finished second with about 982,000 votes, and Hosokawa, who received 956,000.

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安倍総理の靖国参拝に中・韓国が猛烈抗議 [政治]

Japanese Premier Visits Contentious War Shrine
New York Times 2013/12/27)



ニューヨーク・タイムズ東京支局のHIROKO TABUCHIさんがこのニュースを記事にしています。




“The Chinese government expresses its strong indignation that Japanese leaders brutally trample the feelings of the Chinese and other Asian peoples victimized in wars. We solemnly urged the Japanese side to abide by the commitment to reflecting on its history of aggression, taking measures to correct its errors, eliminating its adverse effects, and taking concrete actions to win over the trusts of its Asian neighbors and the international community.”


strong indignation 「強い憤り」
trample the feelings of ~ 「 ~の感情を踏みにじる」
win over the trusts of ~ 「 ~の信頼を得る」


“Our government cannot help but deplore and express anger over the fact that Prime Minister Abe ignored the concerns and warnings of the neighboring countries and the world community and paid respect at the Yasukuni shrine, which glorifies Japan’s colonial rule and war of aggression."


pay respect at ~ 「 ~を参拝する」
glorify 「 ~を美化する」


“Japan is a valued ally and friend. Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that Japan’s leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan’s neighbors.”

“The United States hopes that both Japan and its neighbors will find constructive ways to deal with sensitive issues from the past, to improve their relations and to promote cooperation in advancing our shared goals of regional peace and stability,” the statement read.



exacerbate tensions with ~ 「 ~との関係を悪化させる」
take an action that ~ 「 ~という行動を取る」
shared goals of ~ 「 ~という共通の目標」



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猪瀬東京都知事、マネー・スキャンダルで辞任へ [政治]

Tokyo Governor Naoki Inose resigns over money scandal
(CNN 2013/12/19)





"I have confirmed my determination to resign as Tokyo Governor,"

※confirm one's determination to ~ 「~する決意を固める」

"I have tried hard to demonstrate my accountability, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to clear away suspicions against me."

※demonstrate one's accountability 「説明責任を果たす」
clear away suspicions against ~ 「~に対する疑念を払しょくする」

"I don't want to further interrupt the operations of the administration as Tokyo prepares for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics,"

"I offer a deep apology."



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特定秘密保護法が成立 [政治]

Japan’s Parliament Approves a Secrecy Law Amid Protests
(New York Times 2013/12/06)

(REUTERS/Toru Hanai)


この記事を書いたのは東京支局長のMARTIN FACKLERです。












get the bill approved 「法案を成立させる」
blistering speed 「猛烈なスピード」
consensus-driven 「合意形成を重視する」
howls of protest 「激しい抗議」
classified intelligence 「機密情報」
law's stiff penalty 「重い刑罰」
scare ~ into silence 「 ~を脅して黙らせる」
arbitrary designation of secrets 「恣意的な秘密の指定」
oversight committee 「監視委員」
leave vague 「あいまいにする」
have clearance to ~ 「 ~ する許可を得る」
get ~ classified as secret 「~を秘密扱いにする」


Japan’s Parliament Approves a Secrecy Law Amid Protests
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絶叫デモはテロ? [政治]

Japan’s illiberal secrecy law

The threat of merely screaming
(Economist 2013/12/03)

★絶叫デモはテロと変わらない?  AFP


今話題の「特定秘密保護法案」に反対するデモに対して「単なる絶叫戦術はテロ行為とその本質においてあまり変わらないように思われる("the tactic of merely screaming is in essence little different from acts of terrorism")」と石破茂自民党幹事長が自身のブログで述べていて、問題となっています。




Not only the ruling party's illiberal attitude made plain, but Mr Ishiba's comment only adds to worry about broad scope of the secrecy bill, which is expected to clear the upper house of parliament this week.



"Thanks Mr Ishiba! Now we know how protesters against the powers-that-be will be treated once the secrecy bill passess."

「有難う、石破さん! 特定秘密保護法が決まれば、権力に対してのデモがどう言う扱いを受けるか理解出来ました。」

※the powers-that-be は「当局、時の権力者」の意


Mr Ishiba’s reaction also raises anew the question of whether the bill might in future be used to stop anti-nuclear protests against restarting Japan’s nuclear power plants—which the government regards as possible targets for terrorist attacks.






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