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白戸家新作CMー『一乗谷 ROCK Festival 2011』 [テレビCM]

ソフトバンクモバイルが展開する『白戸家』CMシリーズの新作。今回は白戸家がバンドを結成し、故郷の福井県一乗谷で行われた野外イベント『一乗谷 ROCK Festival 2011』に登場したという設定。Queenの名曲「We Will Rock You」のカバーを熱唱。

TV commercial of the week: Softbank White family rock on

The Shirato family, who have been a popular fixture in Softbank Mobile commercials for several years, make their rock debut at a mini-concert. Oto-san, the father of the family (the white dog), plays the drums, Oto-san’s new dad Shota Matsuda is on guitar, the mother (Kanako Higuchi) plays the sax, Oba-chan (Ayako Wakao) plays guitar, while siblings Aya Ueto and Dante Carver (on keyboards) sing Queen’s “We will rock you.”

The commercial is for Iphone covers.


「ソフトバンクモバイルのコマーシャルでこれまでずっと人気定番となっていた白戸家が、ミニコンサートでロックデビューをはたす。お父さんはドラム、おじいちゃん(松田翔太)はギター、お母さん(樋口可南子)はベース、おばあちゃん(若尾文子)はサックス、そして上戸彩とキーボード担当のお兄ちゃんのダンテ・カーヴァーがクイーンの“We will rock you”を歌うというもの。




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香里奈の新CM [テレビCM]





Karina gets a year's supply of Double Zero Cocktail

Actress and model Karina, 27, is starring in a new series of TV commercials for Asahi Beer’s Double Zero Cocktail line. The cocktail, which has been on the market for approximately one year, is non-alcoholic and has zero calories, and recently celebrated one million cases sold.

Asahi said Karina’s image is sure to boost sales even further, dubbing her the “zero cocktail angel.”

To commemorate the sales record, Asahi presented Karina with a 10-year supply of the drink – or 3,650 cans. “I’ll be sure to give some to friends and co-workers,” she said at a news conference. “I want to tell them, ‘Even if you don’t get drunk, this will make you happy!’”

The commercials will air from Friday.

(Japan Today 2011/09/16)







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アフラックダックが戻ってきた [テレビCM]





TV commercial of the week: Aflac

The Aflac Duck has been a popular figure in TV commercials in Japan for almost a decade. The duck has been used in commercials to promote a variety of insurance policies sold by the U.S. company.

In the latest commercial, Sho Sakurai and Aoi Miyazaki play the organ, while a cat plays the tambourine, and the Aflac duck sings “Maneki-neko duck” (a collaboration of welcoming cat and duck).

In the aftermath, Aflac Japan suspended television advertising featuring the mascot duck, but he’s now back on the air.

(Japan Today 2011/09/13)






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東海テレビのふざけたテロップ [テレビCM]


問題となったのは、東海テレビが4日放送の「ぴーかんテレビ」で、岩手県産米「ひとめぼれ」のプレゼント当選者として「汚染されたお米 セシウムさん」「怪しいお米 セシウムさん」などと書いた仮のテロップを23秒間流したシーン。



東海テレビのふざけたテロップ 「怪しいお米セシウムさん」

'Radioactive rice' joke causes trouble for Tokai Television

Tokai Television Broadcasting Co Ltd has responded to the scandal caused by a joke about radioactive rice that appeared on one of its programs, “Pecan Television,” on Aug 4. The program featured a segment in which a guest won rice grown in Iwate Prefecture. As the prize was awarded, the message “Beware, the rice could be radioactive” appeared on-screen for around 23 seconds, causing an outcry from viewers as well as rice growers in Iwate Prefecture.

Since the program was aired, it is believed that of the show’s 20 sponsors, five backed out of their sponsorship deals and 12 requested that their commercials not be aired during the show anymore. A spokesperson for Tokai TV said the show received 15,000 complaints by phone and email between Aug 4 and 11.

Meanwhile, the company president, Sekiya Asano, held a news conference on Thursday night and announced that the show would be axed as a result of the joke, which he agreed had been in bad taste.

The network later released a statement saying that the director and producer of “Pecan Television” had been suspended for five days following the incident, and that Asano will receive a 50% pay cut for three months. Eight other members of staff involved in the making of the program are also to be disciplined, Tokai said.

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缶コーヒーBOSS、新作CM [テレビCM]

ハリウッド俳優トミー・リー・ジョーンズ扮する宇宙人ジョーンズー「サントリー BOSS レインボーマウンテンブレンド」の新作コマーシャルの話題です。

tommy lee jones.jpg

Tommy Lee Jones in Tokyo to film more BOSS commercials

American actor Tommy Lee Jones was back in Japan for a few days this week to film some new TV commercials for Suntory’s BOSS canned coffee brand. Jones filmed the commercials at Toho Studios in Tokyo. He is one of the few Hollywood stars to visit Tokyo since the March 11 disaster.

Jones, 64, has made more than 30 commercials and appeared in countless ads and posters for BOSS since 2006. His character—“Alien Jones”—is an extraterrestrial who takes the form of a human being to learn more about life on Earth (in particular, Japan).

Jones will next be seen in Japan in “The Company Men” (about corporate downsizing), which opens Sept 23, followed by “Captain America: The First Avenger” on Oct 14. He has just finished filming “Men in Black III,” and is set to appear in Steven Spielberg’s film “Lincoln,” to be released next year.



ジョーンズさんの今後の日本公開映画作品は“The Company Men”(9月23日放映) “Captain America: The First Avenger”(10月14日放映)。「Men in Black III」の撮影取りを終えたばかりで、来年放映予定のスティーブン・スピルバーグ監督の「Lincoln」にも出演する予定。」



逃亡者 [DVD]

逃亡者 [DVD]

  • 出版社/メーカー: ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ
  • メディア: DVD

妻殺しの汚名を着せられた医師リチャード・キンブル(ハリソン・フォード)、警察の眼を逃れて逃亡するリチャードを執拗に追跡する連邦保安官ジェラード(トミー・リー・ジョーンズ)。 この2人の息もつかせぬ追跡劇、何回見てもハラハラドキドキです。絶対おすすめの一作。サスペンス・アクションの決定版。

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楽しんごが3-DブラをPR [テレビCM]



TV comedian Tanoshingo promotes '3D bra'
TV comedian Tanoshingo, 32, attended a PR event for the wireless “3D bra” by lingerie maker Cecile this week. The popular funnyman is using his “love injection” motto to promote the bra, which is aimed at women aspiring to have a more curvaceous bustline.

Tanoshingo, who wears the bra himself, explained how it offers support without giving a sensation of uncomfortable restrictiveness. “I like to hear confessions of love and I have my eye on a particular dancer right now, so I’ll be wearing this bra and sending ‘love me’ vibes his way,” joked the comic.



注) 楽しんごの決めぜりふー「ラブ注入!」は英語では、love injectionと日本語をそのまま訳しているようです。

※セシールも新商品のPRにユニークなお笑いタレントを使ったものですね。やはりこういう女性向けの商品は話題性が何と言っても重要ですから、楽しんご効果でかなりのヒット商品になるのではないでしょうか。 それにしてもこの「楽しんごブーム」はいったいいつまで続くのでしょうか。
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