官僚事務方トップのセクハラ疑惑 [英語]




APRIL 18, 2018 New York Times



それでも、麻生太郎財務大臣が福田氏の辞任を受け入れたことは、セクハラや性的暴行に対して非難が広がりを見せていることに刺激されて、日本が「#Me Too(私も)」という国際的な運動に加わりつつあるかもしれないことを示す小さなサインである。







週間新潮は福田氏が女性記者に「胸触ってもいい? 予算通ったら浮気するか? 手を縛ってあげる。」などと声をかけているとされる音声が録音されているビデオもオンラインで公開している。





そして昨年には、大手広告代理店電通の元クリエイティブ・ディレクターをしていた岸勇希(きし ゆうき)は、電通に勤務していた時に、彼からセクハラ行為を受けていたと女性から訴えられて、自ら立ち上げた会社の社長職を辞任・退社した。

「参考」  大蔵省接待汚職事件
官僚7人(大蔵省4人、大蔵省出身の証券取引等監視委員会の委員1人、日本銀行1人、大蔵省OBの公団理事)の逮捕・起訴に発展。起訴された官僚7人は、執行猶予付きの有罪判決が確定した。この責任を取り三塚博大蔵大臣と松下康雄日本銀行総裁が引責辞任し、大蔵省解体の一つの要因となった。   (出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』)

Top Finance Official in Japan Resigns Over Harassment Accusations
By MOTOKO RICH APRIL 18, 2018 New York Times

Junichi Fukuda, the administrative vice minister in Japan’s Finance Ministry, said accusations that he had sexually harassed female journalists were“not factual.” Credit Jiji Press, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

TOKYO — The highest-ranking civil servant in Japan’s Finance Ministry offered his resignation on Wednesday amid swirling accusations that he had sexually harassed several female journalists.

At a news conference, the official, Junichi Fukuda, 58, the administrative vice minister, said allegations that he had made sexually suggestive remarks to the women were “not factual.”

Still, Mr. Fukuda’s resignation, which was accepted by Taro Aso, the finance minister, was a small sign that Japan might be joining the international reckoning of the #MeToo movement, spurred by widespread accusations of sexual harassment and assault.

Two days earlier, Mr. Fukuda threatened to sue Shukan Shincho magazine, which originally reported the accusations. On Wednesday, he also vowed, “I am going to dispute it in court.”

Mr. Fukuda offered to step down on the same day that Ryuichi Yoneyama, the governor of Niigata, on Japan’s western coast, said he would resign over what he called a “women problem.” The weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun is set to report on Thursday that Mr. Yoneyama had paid multiple women he met through an online dating site.

Both men’s resignations came as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was in Palm Beach, Fla., meeting with President Trump. Mr. Fukuda’s resignation is subject to confirmation by the entire cabinet, including Mr. Abe.

Mr. Fukuda said he had decided to resign because “right now the Finance Ministry is going through a severe time,” apparently a reference to a scandal involving leaks of tampered documents related to a sweetheart land deal that might be connected to Mr. Abe.

“I thought it would be difficult to fulfill my duty,” Mr. Fukuda said. “I apologize to everyone to whom I have caused trouble.”

In the allegations reported by Shincho magazine about Mr. Fukuda, several unidentified journalists said he had repeatedly made sexually suggestive remarks in meetings and at bars.

The magazine also posted a video online with clips taken from an audio recording said to be of Mr. Fukuda telling a woman, “Can I touch your breast?”, “Should we have an affair when the budget is enacted?” and “I will tie your hands.”

At the news conference on Wednesday, when a reporter asked Mr. Fukuda if he recognized his own voice in the recording, he responded, “I hear my voice through my body, so I can’t recognize my true voice when listening with my ears.”

Asked whether he remembered making any of the remarks described in the magazine article, he said, “I do not recall making such remarks,” adding, “I don’t have any memory of having such an awful conversation.”

According to the public broadcaster NHK, Mr. Fukuda would be the first top-ranking official in the Finance Ministry to resign since 1998, when the official who held the same post quit, along with the finance minister and the head of the Bank of Japan, to take responsibility for a corruption scandal.

In Japan, public discussions of sexual harassment and assault are avoided and such resignations are rare. But this year, the president of NH Foods stepped down after a junior executive with whom he had been traveling asked a flight attendant sexually explicit questions in an airport lounge.

And last year, Yuki Kishi, a former executive creative director of Dentsu, Japan’s largest advertising agency, resigned from a company he had founded after a woman accused him of harassing her while they worked at Dentsu.

Makiko Inoue and Hisako Ueno contributed reporting.

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