福島第一原発とヤクザとのつながりが明らかに [原発・原発事故]

「ヤクザと原発 ~福島第一潜入記~」 ー衝撃の暴露本が発売


今まで我々国民に知られなかったその生々しい実態を「ヤクザと原発 ~福島第一潜入記~」という本の中で暴露しています。




● 原発汚染処理作業員のおよそ10%は、やくざの仲介の募集により集められてきたものだ。

● やくざは原発産業に深く関与しているが、作業員としては関与はしていない。やくざは人集めが仕事で、人を見つけてきて、原発現場に送り込むのが仕事。

● やくざはこれまでずっと、借金の負債者を作業員として原発に送り込み、法外な金利の借金を返済させるための手段としてきた。




暴排条例で追いつめられたヤクザが原発県場への作業員派遣で暴利をむさぼる実態が鈴木智彦氏の「ヤクザと原発 ~福島第一潜入記~」によって明らかになってきた。


Yakuza involved in Fukushima clean-up: reporter


A Japanese journalist who worked at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant this summer claimed Thursday that Japan’s yakuza crime syndicates were involved in supplying clean-up crews.

“Roughly 10% of plant workers there were brought in through the mediation of the yakuza,” said Tomohiko Suzuki, 45, who has written a book based on his experience at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

“The yakuza are very much involved in this industry but they are not involved as people working on site,” Suzuki told reporters. “They are in charge of collecting people, finding people and dispatching workers to the site.”

Suzuki says yakuza groups have long sent debtors to nuclear power plants as workers as a way of paying off loans made at sky-high rates, adding the practice “will continue to occur.”

Like the Italian mafia or Chinese triads, the yakuza has engaged in activities from gambling, drugs and prostitution to loan sharking, protection rackets, white-collar crime and business conducted through front companies.

The gangs, which are not illegal, have historically been tolerated by the authorities, although there are periodic clampdowns on some of their less savory activities.

In the wake of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami on March 11, reactors at the Fukushima plant were sent into meltdown, resulting in the release of a large amount of radioactive materials.

Workers, who have routinely been exposed to high levels of radiation, have battled since to bring the reactors under control, with periodic reports of lax safety standards and a lack of care for contracted employees from site operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO).

The government is expected to announce on Friday that the plant has been brought to a stable state of “cold shutdown,” with low pressure and stable temperatures.

But Suzuki claimed the plant is still “in a state of crisis.”

“TEPCO was pushing for sloppy construction as it has been in a hurry to achieve cold shutdown as quickly as possible,” it said.

Suzuki, a freelance journalist who has covered the yakuza for several years, was hired through a sub-contractor to reactor-maker Toshiba and assigned a job related to reprocessing contaminated water in July and August.

A spokeswoman for TEPCO denied there had been any yakuza involvement in efforts to clean up the plant.

“We are taking action under the law against crime syndicates, and we understand that our contractors are properly hiring employees,” she told AFP.

(AFP 2011/12/16)

clean-up crew 「汚染処理作業員」
sky-high rate 「法外な金利」
protection racket 「なわばり代」
white-collar crime 「知能犯罪」
front company 「トンネル会社」
clampdown 「取り締まり」
cold shutdown 「冷温停止」
sub-contractor 「下請け会社」
contaminated water 「汚染水」

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ヤクザと原発 福島第一潜入記

ヤクザと原発 福島第一潜入記

  • 作者: 鈴木 智彦
  • 出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋
  • 発売日: 2011/12/15
  • メディア: 単行本

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