管直人首相、世界に向けて英語で発信 [東日本大震災]

東日本大震災、そして福島第一原発事故の対応に追われている管政権ですが、世界の各紙に英語でJapan’s road to recovery and rebirthというタイトルの記事を載せ、今の菅総理の気持ちを伝えています。

菅総理が英語で作成した記事を載せたのは、International Herald Tribune、 The Washington Post 、 The New York Timesの3紙とのこと。

Kan expresses deep 'regret' over nuclear crisis in article run by English newspapers

Prime Minister Naoto Kan expressed deep ‘‘regret’’ over the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in his country in an article contributed to several English newspapers.

‘‘I take very seriously, and deeply regret, the nuclear accidents we have had at the Fukushima Daiichi plant,’’ Kan said in his opinion column article carried by the weekend edition of the International Herald Tribune that hit newsstands Saturday.

Titled ‘‘Japan’s road to recovery and rebirth,’’ the article showed ‘‘a pledge from the Japanese prime minister to bolster nuclear safety and international trust’’ as the paper put it.

Kan said, ‘‘Bringing the situation at the plant under control at the earliest possible date is my top priority’’ in the article also carried by The Washington Post and The New York Times.

The prime minister vowed to continue making utmost efforts to address the outflow of radioactive water into the ocean among other challenges while maintaining transparency in combating the risks posed by the crippled plant.

He also pledged to ‘‘promptly and thoroughly verify the cause’’ of the nuclear accident and ‘‘share information and the lessons learned with the rest of the world to help prevent such accidents in the future.’‘

While admitting that reconstruction of the devastated areas will not be easy, Kan said, ‘‘I have not a single doubt that that Japan will overcome this crisis, recover from the aftermath of the disaster, emerge stronger than ever, and establish a more vibrant and better Japan for future generations.’’

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タイトルは"Japan's road to recovery and rebirth"「日本の復興と再生への道」となっていて、原発の安全性と国際的な信頼を強固なものにする菅総理の決意が書かれている。





Japan's road to recovery and rebirth

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