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札幌でクマが大暴れ [社会]





Bear shot dead after attacking four people in residential area in Japan

By Emiko Jozuka, CNN
Updated 0759 GMT (1559 HKT) June 18, 2021

A brown bear was shot dead in northern Japan after tearing through a residential area on Friday and injuring four people, according to Japanese public broadcaster NHK.

A local resident in the city of Sapporo, which is due to host the Olympic Marathon and Olympic Race Walking events at this summer's Tokyo Games, first reported sighting a bear on a road in the early hours of the morning.

Soon after, Hokkaido police tweeted they were on the lookout for the bear, writing that since the sighting, many others had reported seeing the bear and that people had been injured.

"If you spot a bear, please be very careful, escape immediately and call 110," Hokkaido police tweeted.

News footage from local station HTB Hokkaido News showed the bear running along a residential street, crossing a busy road and pawing at the gates of a Japan Self Defense Force military barracks, before running away.

Local police said the bear attacked three men, one of whom was seriously injured, and a woman in her 80s, according to NHK.

At around 11 a.m., the bear was shot down by two men from the local hunting association near Sapporo Okadama airport, NHK reported.








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Juneteenthって何の日? [英語]

アメリカ下院がアメリカにおける奴隷制の終焉を祝うとされる6月19日を連邦祝日とする法案を6月16日(水曜日)通過させたというニュースをCBSが報じていいます。 あとはバイデン大統領が署名すれは、12番目の連邦祝日となるとのことです。

House passes bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday


JuneteenthについてはWikipedia では次のように説明しています。

(英語: Juneteenth)(「6月」(June)と「19日」(nineteenth)の混成語であり[1]、「自由の日」(Freedom Day)[2]、「歓喜の日」(Jubilee Day)[3]、「解放の日」(Liberation Day)[4]としても知られる)は、アメリカ合衆国で奴隷身分であった人々の解放を祝う祭日である。テキサス州に端を発し、現在はアメリカ全土で6月19日に祝われるが、公的な認知は様々に異なる。特に、北部合衆国(英語版)軍のゴードン・グレンジャー将軍がテキサス州ガルヴェストンにおいて1865年6月19日に、それまでにテキサス州で奴隷身分とされてきた全ての人々は自由であるとする連邦政府からの命令を読み上げたことを記念するものである[5]。
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日本人の花見好きとイタリア人のハグ [英語]


小池東京都知事が日本人の花見好きについて述べたことについて海外メディアが報じています。 昨年の記事です。


Scrapping Japan cherry blossom ‘like taking hugs away from Italians’: Tokyo gov
AFP 2020/3/13

Preventing Japanese from gathering to enjoy cherry blossom season because of coronavirus would be like "taking hugs away from Italians," the governor of Tokyo said on Thursday.

Yuriko Koike however urged people to refrain from traditional "hanami" parties where friends and family gather under cherry blossom trees for copious quantities of food and drink.

After a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Koike said: "We discussed what to do with hanami. It is open-air. The metropolitan government wants people to admire the flowers."

"I think taking hanami away from the Japanese is like taking away hugs from Italians," she said.

"But we would like to ask people to refrain from, for example, spreading blue tarps and enjoying fun parties at Ueno Park like every year," she added, referring to a large central Tokyo park popular with revelers.

Meteorologists expect cherry blossoms to begin blooming around March 17 in Tokyo.
Koike has previously said that indoor events hosted by her organization or involving food would be postponed or cancelled between February 22 and March 15.

The Tokyo marathon earlier this month was restricted to elite athletes only but Koike and other top officials have insisted that preparations for the Olympic Games -- scheduled to open on July 24 -- are going ahead as planned.

Italy is the worst-hit country in Europe and the country has been placed on effective lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus that has killed more than 800 people in just over two weeks.

Italians have been told to keep at least a meter from each other and handshakes -- and hugs -- are frowned upon. (AFP 2020/3/13)












take~away from… : …から~を取り上げる                    refrain from ~ : ~を自粛する
copious quantities of ~ : 大量の                          open-air : 野外での
admire the flowers : 花を愛でる
refrain from ~ing : ~を控える
spread blue tarps : ブルーシートを広げる
reveler : お祭り騒ぎ[どんちゃん騒ぎ・酒盛り]をする人
meteorologist : 気象予報士
indoor events : 屋内イベント
be restricted to ~ : ~に制限される
go ahead as planned : 予定通り行われる
the worst-hit : (コロナウイルスの)影響が最も深刻な
be placed on lockdown : 封鎖状態(ロックダウン)となっている
keep a meter from each other : お互い1メートルの距離を置く
be frowned upon : 冷たい目で見られる

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大学入学共通テストの英語 [社会]












University entrance exam to focus only on English reading and listening skills

Kyodo Nov 15, 2019

The standardized university entrance exam will test only English reading and listening skills in the 2020 academic year beginning in April, while placing more emphasis on listening than current exams, the government-backed exam-setter said Friday.

The National Center for University Entrance Examinations will stick to its plan of focusing on the two skills, details of which were released in June, even though the launch of private-sector English proficiency tests has been postponed.

In June, the center said it will eliminate exam questions aimed at indirectly gauging writing and speaking skills in line with the introduction of private-sector tests which check reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.

Since the government decided to delay the launch of the new program until around the 2024 academic year, the center has been studying whether it needs to revise the content in its English-language component of the exam.

For the 2021 academic year, the center will present its exam coverage plan around next June.

In the new exam, questions indirectly testing speaking and writing levels via pronunciation, accent and sentence arrangements will be eliminated as previously planned, according to the center.

The score for the existing standardized exam totals 250 points, comprised of 200 points for written parts and 50 points for listening. The score for the new exam will total 200 points, broken into 100 points for reading and 100 points for listening.

The introduction of private-sector English proficiency tests was delayed earlier this month following a gaffe made by education minister Koichi Hagiuda.

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桜を見る会を公私混同? [英語]













Japan's PM cancels cherry blossom party after outcry over florid spending

The Guardian 2019/11/14

Taxpayer-funded festivities are meant to honour praiseworthy citizens but critics say they have turned into an exercise in political patronage

In a bid to contain a blossoming scandal over lavish flower-viewing parties, Japan’s prime minister has cancelled next year’s annual taxpayer-funded festivity.

Shinzo Abe’s move to shut down the 2020 party comes after criticism that the cost of the cherry blossom event had spiralled and has been misused for political purposes.

Hosted by prime ministers almost every year since 1952, the springtime social event was originally meant to honour sportspeople, celebrities and other citizens who have excelled in their fields, but critics say it is increasingly used to reward the government’s political supporters. Voters from Abe’s constituency in Yamaguchi prefecture have even been offered bundled travel packages to go to Tokyo and enjoy river cruises on the weekend of the festivities, the Asahi Shimbun reported.

“Mixing personal affairs and public activities is something that should never be done by a prime minister who has political authority,” the Mainichi newspaper said in an editorial, adding: “There is no denying the fact that the ruling bloc as a whole has become numb to intertwining public and private activities.”

More than 18,000 people attended the festivities at Tokyo’s Shinjuku Gyoen national garden in April this year, about 4,500 more than five years ago. The planned budget of 57 million yen (£408,000) for the 2020 event represented a doubling of the cost since 2014, local media reported. Abe cancelled it after opposition parties announced a taskforce to investigate whether public funds were used for private purposes in a potential violation of electoral law.

The government said it would review the event’s scale and invitation criteria but insisted the higher cost was due to counter-terrorism measures.

The issue arose a few weeks after two ministers resigned from Abe’s cabinet amid accusations they gave constituents gifts such as melons and potatoes in possible breach of electoral law. Abe, who has withstood more damaging scandals in the past, is due next week to assume the record of longest-serving Japanese prime minister.

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痴漢撃退グッズ [英語]








女性専用車両の運行や、天井にカメラを取り付けて痴漢の現場を撮影するなどのほかに、最近相次いで痴漢撃退グッズが出回るようになってきた。。キュカを立ち上げたNari Woo 氏とRemon Katamaya氏は痴漢レーダーを開発したが、このアプリはユーザーが痴漢の被害を匿名で報告出来て、どこでよく見られるかがわかるようになっている。今年の8月に発売して以来、国内の痴漢被害件数は981件が報告されている。東京の警視庁も防犯アプリ、Digi Policeを開発した。画面をタッチするとアプリが起動して、「止めてください。」と大声を上げる。そして画面に「痴漢です。助けてください。」と表示される。個人向けの印鑑を販売しているシヤチハタは痴漢の被害者が目に見えないインクで加害者にマークを付けることが出来、特殊ライドを当てるとマークが浮かび上がるスタンプを開発した。1個2,500円で500個限定のテスト販売を始めたところ、30分程度で完売した。






警視庁が開発した防犯アプリ、Digi Police

警視庁が開発した防犯アプリ、Digi Police


hand shachihata.jpg


Pervert alert
Japanese commuters try new ways to deter gropers
Victims are fighting back with apps, badges and invisible ink

The Economist 2019/10/31

THROUGHOUT HER 20s, Yayoi Matsunaga was groped, almost daily, on packed rush-hour trains going to and from work. Three decades later, she discovered that her friend’s daughter was being molested on her commute to high school. The teenager, after fruitless talks with the police and railway companies, decided to hang a sign from her bag that read: “Groping is a crime. I will not cry myself to sleep.” The groping stopped immediately. Inspired, Ms Matsunaga launched a crowdfunding campaign in 2015 to create badges with the same message. They proved as effective as the sign: nearly 95% of users stopped experiencing groping on public transport, according to a survey.

Recent years have seen a flurry of innovations in the fight against groping—chikan in Japanese—in addition to the many train services that offer carriages which only women can use, or have installed ceiling cameras in the hope of catching molesters on film. Nari Woo and Remon Katayama of QCCCA, a startup, have launched “Chikan Radar”, an app that enables users to report groping and thus see where it is common. Since its launch in August, 981 cases have been reported across Japan. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police have also created an app, “Digi Police”, that, when activated, screams “Stop it!” and produces a full-screen message that says: “There is a molester. Please help.” Shachihata, a company that sells personal seals, has developed a stamp that allows victims to mark their attackers with invisible ink, which can be detected under ultraviolet light. A trial run of 500 anti-groping stamps, priced at ¥2,500 ($23), sold out within 30 minutes.

There were 2,943 reported cases of groping in Japan in 2017, mostly in Tokyo. The true number of victims is undoubtedly far higher. Surveys suggest that half or more of female commuters have experienced it, although only 10% of victims report the crime to police. Some hold back out of fear and embarrassment; others because they do not want to be late for school or work. “We are socialised to think that groping is not a big deal,” says Ms Woo.

Groping has long been trivialised as a nuisance rather than a form of sexual assault, says Masako Makino of Ryukoku University. Offenders face up to six months in prison or fines of up to ¥500,000. (The potential sentence rises to ten years if violence is involved.)

It does not help that the media tend to focus on stories about men who have been falsely accused of groping. A book and film about a man unjustly accused of molesting a schoolgirl became a hit in 2007. Insurance firms provide policies that defray the cost to commuters of fighting accusations of groping. But Ms Matsunaga, who now runs an organisation called the Groping Prevention Activities Centre, remains hopeful: “I believe that we will be able to eliminate groping.”

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婚活サイトで地方移住 [社会]



イギリスの経済誌エコノミストが日本の公営の婚活サイトの活動を取り上げています。 地方に住む独身男性と都会に住む独身女性をマッチングさせる婚活サイトが登場してきているようです。











Brides for bumpkins

Japan’s state-owned version of Tinder
Local authorities are setting up matchmaking websites to pair their residents with lonely-hearts in the cities
The Economist Oct 3rd 2019

EVEN AFTER years of attending match-making parties, a professional in Tokyo explains, she has not found any suitable marriage prospects. “I’m tired of going to these events and not meeting anyone,” she gripes. So she has decided to expand her pool of prospective partners by looking for love outside the capital. To that end she has filled out an online profile detailing her name, job, hobbies and even weight on a match-making site that pairs up single urbanites with people from rural areas.

Match-making services that promote iju konkatsu, meaning “migration spouse-hunting”, are increasingly common in Japan.

They are typically operated by an unlikely marriage-broker: local governments. In Akita, a prefecture near the northern tip of Japan’s main island, the local government has long managed an online match-making service to link up local lonely-hearts. It claims to have successfully coupled up more than 1,350 Akita residents since it launched nine years ago. It recently began offering a similar service to introduce residents to people living outside the prefecture and is optimistic about its prospects. “By using the konkatsu site, we hope that more people from outside will marry someone from Akita to come and live here,” says Rumiko Saito of the Akita Marriage Support Centre.

Along with online matching services, municipalities across Japan host parties to help singles mingle. They also organise subsidised group tours in rural prefectures, in which half the participants are locals and the other half from cities, to encourage urbanites to marry and move to the countryside. Hundreds of singletons participate in these tours every year.

The rural bureaucrats are playing cupid in the hopes of stemming emigration. The population is shrinking in 40 of Japan’s 47 prefectures. Young people move from the countryside to cities to go to university or look for a job. As a result, the dating pool in rural areas is becoming ever tinier—a situation that encourages even more young people to move away. The same singletons keep showing up at all the local konkatsu events; there is little prospect of meeting new people. “The size of the rural konkatsu market is small; it’s nearly non-existent,” says Koki Goto of the Japan Konkatsu Support Association.

The difficulty of finding true love in the countryside is compounded by a gender mismatch. In 80% of prefectures with declining populations, young women are more likely than men to relocate to cities.

This means that whereas there are more single women than men in big cities like Tokyo, bachelors outnumber spinsters in rural areas. Many men in the countryside are “left behind”, laments a government official in Akita.

So much for the theory. Most iju konkatsu schemes are quite new, making it hard to assess whether they work in practice. Only a handful of urban-rural couples have tied the knot using Akita’s match-making system. The professional in Tokyo has not yet met the one either. But she is willing to try anything that might improve her chances of doing so.

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関西電力と原発の町の顔役との癒着関係が明らかにー② [社会]
















Ex-Kepco exec admits receiving 'outrageous' gift in 1990s, suggesting collusion went back decades

Kyodo Oct 3, 2019

Auditors at Kansai Electric Power Co. were aware that officials had received improper gifts even before a general shareholders meeting in June, and had raised questions on how management had dealt with the issue, sources close to the matter said Thursday.

The latest revelation has brought to light the auditors’ inadequacy, having failed to publicize the issue and perpetuated the cover-up, despite their responsibility to monitor management.

The power company disclosed Wednesday that 20 officials had received about ¥320 million worth of gifts since 2006 from Eiji Moriyama, the late former deputy mayor of Takahama. Moriyama served as an adviser to a Kansai Electric subsidiary for more than 30 years before his death at age 90 in March.

It is likely the auditors will be considered co-conspirators in the cover-up, as information was not shared among all board members.

Ichiro Matsui, the mayor of the city of Osaka, which is a top shareholder in Kansai Electric, urged the top management of the utility to resign, saying, “They should create a new organizational structure.”

According to the sources, multiple auditors who heard rumors immediately prior to the general shareholders meeting had questioned a person involved in the matter, subsequently learning that executives had received gifts totaling ¥318.45 million from Moriyama.

“I heard that there was quite a heated exchange between the auditors and management” about the matter, another source said.

President Shigeki Iwane himself did not report the issue to the board of directors until it garnered media coverage. He was criticized after the first news conference last Friday regarding the money problem for refusing to disclose details, citing the need to protect personal information, and was pushed to hold another news conference Wednesday.

An internal probe led by a group of lawyers and executives found that information related to nuclear plant construction had been provided to Moriyama for many years. Kansai Electric claimed that it was “not a repayment,” but a report of the probe released Wednesday deemed it to possibly have had a negative influence on negotiations for plant work contracts and invited collusion.

A former senior Kansai Electric Power Co. official in charge of its nuclear business admitted Thursday to receiving an improper gift about 20 years ago from an ex-deputy mayor of a town hosting one of its nuclear plants.

The admission indicates that collusion between the utility and the Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, politician began much earlier than 2006, as reported by Kansai Electric.

The former senior Kansai Electric official said that he received “an outrageous gift” after meeting Moriyama for the first time in the late 1990s, although he did not divulge what was received.

The former senior official said he returned the gift to Moriyama, an influential figure connected with lawmakers, about six months later, enraging the former deputy mayor.

“I heard he played a crucial role in building our nuclear plant (in Takahama). I also heard he was an extremely difficult person to deal with,” the ex-Kansai Electric official said.

“I thought it was not right (to receive the gift) based on common sense. I did not seek any advice from others (regarding my decision to return it), and it was difficult,” he said.

Meanwhile, former senior officials of Fukui Prefecture have revealed they also got the gifts from Moriyama. Gov. Tatsuji Sugimoto said Thursday he intends to launch an investigation on the matter.

During Wednesday’s news conference, the utility revealed that gifts given to officials included cash, gold, suits, coupons and U.S. currency.

An independent investigative panel to be launched by the utility will look at the scandal over a more extended period. The utility’s report Wednesday was based on a limited time period in view of the statute of limitations under tax regulations and the availability of individuals for interviews.

Of the 20 Kansai Electric officials who received gifts from Moriyama, three were also given cash and coupons worth ¥3.9 million in total from two companies — one of which is a local construction firm that was hired for projects at the Takahama nuclear complex, the utility said.

An investigation by tax authorities launched last year has found that Moriyama received a ¥300 million commission from the local construction company and the commission may have been used to fund the gifts for Kansai Electric officials. According to Kansai Electric, Moriyama was deeply involved in the bidding process and construction of reactors Nos. 3 and 4 at the Takahama nuclear plant, which began operation in 1985. He served as deputy mayor from 1977 to 1987.

After retiring from the municipal government, he worked for Kanden Plant Corp., the utility’s subsidiary in Osaka.

Kansai Electric Chairman Makoto Yagi, who received gifts from Moriyama between 2006 and 2010, pledged at a news conference Wednesday to implement measures to prevent similar incidents after a full investigation.

Both Yagi and Kansai Electric President Shigeki Iwane said they do not plan to step down from their posts

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関西電力と原発の町の顔役との癒着関係が明らかにー① [社会]
















Ex-Kepco exec admits receiving 'outrageous' gift in 1990s, suggesting collusion went back decades
Kyodo  Oct 3, 2019

OSAKA/FUKUI – Auditors at Kansai Electric Power Co. were aware that officials had received improper gifts even before a general shareholders meeting in June, and had raised questions on how management had dealt with the issue, sources close to the matter said Thursday.

The latest revelation has brought to light the auditors’ inadequacy, having failed to publicize the issue and perpetuated the cover-up, despite their responsibility to monitor management.

The power company disclosed Wednesday that 20 officials had received about ¥320 million worth of gifts since 2006 from Eiji Moriyama, the late former deputy mayor of Takahama. Moriyama served as an adviser to a Kansai Electric subsidiary for more than 30 years before his death at age 90 in March.

It is likely the auditors will be considered co-conspirators in the cover-up, as information was not shared among all board members.

Ichiro Matsui, the mayor of the city of Osaka, which is a top shareholder in Kansai Electric, urged the top management of the utility to resign, saying, “They should create a new organizational structure.”

According to the sources, multiple auditors who heard rumors immediately prior to the general shareholders meeting had questioned a person involved in the matter, subsequently learning that executives had received gifts totaling ¥318.45 million from Moriyama.

“I heard that there was quite a heated exchange between the auditors and management” about the matter, another source said.

President Shigeki Iwane himself did not report the issue to the board of directors until it garnered media coverage. He was criticized after the first news conference last Friday regarding the money problem for refusing to disclose details, citing the need to protect personal information, and was pushed to hold another news conference Wednesday.

An internal probe led by a group of lawyers and executives found that information related to nuclear plant construction had been provided to Moriyama for many years. Kansai Electric claimed that it was “not a repayment,” but a report of the probe released Wednesday deemed it to possibly have had a negative influence on negotiations for plant work contracts and invited collusion.

A former senior Kansai Electric Power Co. official in charge of its nuclear business admitted Thursday to receiving an improper gift about 20 years ago from an ex-deputy mayor of a town hosting one of its nuclear plants.

The admission indicates that collusion between the utility and the Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, politician began much earlier than 2006, as reported by Kansai Electric.

The former senior Kansai Electric official said that he received “an outrageous gift” after meeting Moriyama for the first time in the late 1990s, although he did not divulge what was received.

The former senior official said he returned the gift to Moriyama, an influential figure connected with lawmakers, about six months later, enraging the former deputy mayor.

“I heard he played a crucial role in building our nuclear plant (in Takahama). I also heard he was an extremely difficult person to deal with,” the ex-Kansai Electric official said.

“I thought it was not right (to receive the gift) based on common sense. I did not seek any advice from others (regarding my decision to return it), and it was difficult,” he said.

Meanwhile, former senior officials of Fukui Prefecture have revealed they also got the gifts from Moriyama. Gov. Tatsuji Sugimoto said Thursday he intends to launch an investigation on the matter.

During Wednesday’s news conference, the utility revealed that gifts given to officials included cash, gold, suits, coupons and U.S. currency.

An independent investigative panel to be launched by the utility will look at the scandal over a more extended period. The utility’s report Wednesday was based on a limited time period in view of the statute of limitations under tax regulations and the availability of individuals for interviews.

Of the 20 Kansai Electric officials who received gifts from Moriyama, three were also given cash and coupons worth ¥3.9 million in total from two companies — one of which is a local construction firm that was hired for projects at the Takahama nuclear complex, the utility said.

An investigation by tax authorities launched last year has found that Moriyama received a ¥300 million commission from the local construction company and the commission may have been used to fund the gifts for Kansai Electric officials. According to Kansai Electric, Moriyama was deeply involved in the bidding process and construction of reactors Nos. 3 and 4 at the Takahama nuclear plant, which began operation in 1985. He served as deputy mayor from 1977 to 1987.

After retiring from the municipal government, he worked for Kanden Plant Corp., the utility’s subsidiary in Osaka.

Kansai Electric Chairman Makoto Yagi, who received gifts from Moriyama between 2006 and 2010, pledged at a news conference Wednesday to implement measures to prevent similar incidents after a full investigation.

Both Yagi and Kansai Electric President Shigeki Iwane said they do not plan to step down from their posts

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深刻な労働力不足と高齢化社会に直面する日本 [社会]









国立社会保障・人口問題研究所の推計では、高齢者の割合は2025年には30.0%, 40年には35.3%に達すると見られる。












Elderly citizens accounted for record 28.4% of Japan's population in 2018, data show
2019/9/15 KYODO

Seniors accounted for 28.4 percent of Japan’s population and 12.9 percent of its labor force in 2018, both record highs, government data showed Sunday.

The number of citizens aged 65 or older in the country, which has the world’s oldest population, stood at 35.88 million, up 320,000 from a year earlier, according to data released by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry prior to Monday’s Respect for the Aged Day holiday.

The ratio of seniors remained well above 23 percent in Italy, the second most aged society, and 22.4 percent in Portugal which came third.

The number of Japanese aged 90 or older reached 2.31 million, including over 71,000 centenarians.
The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research projects that Japan’s elderly will make up 30.0 percent of the population in 2025 and 35.3 percent in 2040.

The ratio of seniors with jobs increased for the 15th consecutive year as the country faced a deepening labor shortage. Of the 8.62 million seniors with jobs, 3.50 million were women.

The biggest employer of seniors was the wholesale and retail industry, with 1.27 million elderly workers, followed by agriculture and forestry with 1.07 million.

The nation has to depend increasingly on the elderly as a workforce.

The government has already introduced a series of steps to make up for the labor shortfall, such as accepting more foreign workers and promoting women’s participation in the labor market.

Still, Japan is expected to face a shortage of 6.44 million workers in 2030, according to an estimate by Persol Research and Consulting, and Chuo University.

Ensuring an adequate workforce is also important to secure funds to meet the rising social security costs of an aging society.

The government said in May that it plans to urge companies to hire employees until they turn 70 as part of measures to address a severe labor shortage amid Japan’s rapidly graying population.

The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also plans to call on companies to provide support for retired employees to find new jobs, launch their own companies or work freelance.

The government plans to submit a bill to the Diet next year to revise related laws, but there will be no penalties at this stage even if companies fail to comply.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry data released Friday showed that the number of people aged 100 or older in Japan has exceeded 70,000 for the first time, a roughly 23-fold increase from a centenarian population in 1989.

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