スキャンダラスな日本の政治家たちーその② [政治]

Japanese politics


Shinzo Abe’s plan to raise the profile of women in his cabinet is in tatters
(Economist 2014/10/25)






「辞任した2人の後任に安倍首相は経験豊富な2人の政治家を任命した。新経済産業相には宮沢洋一氏を任命したが、就任3日目には政治資金の使い道で問題を起こしている。地元選挙区の支持グループが広島県にあるフェティシズム系のバー(SMバー)で店の費用を政治資金て゜支払ったとされる問題を起こしている。宮沢氏は自分はそんなところには行っていないと話している。新法務大臣には上川陽子が任命された。上川氏は(第1次安倍改造内閣と福田内閣で) 少子化担当大臣を務めた。政府は財政再建を目的とした消費税率のさらなる引き上げを実施するかどうかの決断をしなければならないなどの重要法案の審議に移ろうとしているところなのだが、 さらなるこれ以上の閣僚のスキャンダルが起きてしまえば国会運営に支障が出て、そうした重要法案の審議は難しくなってしまうばかりだ。」




The DPJ wants to uncover more scandals. Mr Abe’s new defence minister, Akinori Eto, had to amend his political-funds report because it recorded potentially improper donations. The farm minister, Koya Nishikawa, has been questioned over donations from a fraudulent agricultural firm. And the labour minister, Yasuhisa Shiozaki, has come under scrutiny for allegedly using his influence to secure permission for a nursing home in his constituency. All three reject the allegations. An Abe adviser warns that, in turn, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) may start digging into the finances of opposition figures.

Meanwhile, the prime minister’s cherished project of boosting the role of women in the economy is in trouble. In naming five women to his cabinet last month, Mr Abe made a splash: only one previous cabinet had as many. Yet he picked unwisely. Now, says Yukiko Tokai, a lobbyist, Japanese companies can more easily resist bringing women into the boardroom. Only 2% of directors are women.

As for the three women left in the cabinet, at least two are vulnerable to attack because of their connections to Japan’s far right. Last month the office of Sanae Takaichi, the minister for internal affairs, struggled to explain why she appeared in photographs alongside a neo-Nazi. Soon afterwards another photograph emerged, of Eriko Yamatani, the minister for public safety and the overseer of the country’s police, posing with members of Zaitokukai, an ultra-right-wing group which leads rallies against ethnic-Korean residents.

To replace the fallen ministers, Mr Abe has appointed two experienced politicians. The new trade and industry minister is Yoichi Miyazawa. On his third day in office he faced questions over political funds spent by his local support group in a fetish-themed bar in Hiroshima; he did not go himself, he said. The new justice minister is a woman, Yoko Kamikawa, who was previously minister for gender equality. The government will now try to move on to weightier subjects, such as a coming decision on whether to raise further a tax on consumption aimed at shoring up the public finances. If attention and energies are consumed by further scandal, such tasks will only grow harder.

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